化学品安全培训 2012、06.pptVIP

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化学品安全培训 2012、06

这是一个标准的化学品存储仓库: ? 一定不能堵塞和锁住逃生门 ? 走道要保持畅通 ? 叉车和人员走道要分开 化学品的安全运输贮存 应急响应——化学品泄漏处理 要清楚了解在意外发生时的应急措施,包括化学品外泄时的处理方法。 配戴适当的劳保用品,制止泄漏,收集泄漏物; 用沙子、土或吸收剂吸收; 把泄漏物存放在塑料桶里。 应急响应——化学品泄漏处理 皮肤 ? 用流动的水冲洗至少15分钟 ? 立即脱掉打湿的衣物 ? 立即就医 ? 向医生出示产品标签和物料安全数据表 化学品安全急救 眼睛 挣开眼睛用流动的水冲洗至少15分钟 一直用无菌的纱布盖住双眼 立即就医 向医生出示产品标签和物料安全数据表 化学品安全急救 吞咽 ? 用大量的水漱口 ? 喝水 ? 切勿引呕 ? 立即就医 ? 向医生出示产品标签和物料安全数据表 化学品安全急救 化学品安全培训 认识你所处理的化学品 了解化学品的危害性 保护你自己和你的同事 使用个人劳保用品 总结: THE END THANK YOU 化学品安全培训 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 * * * Employees, dealing with cleaning and disinfecting detergents, know safety measures from their private life and, of course, use them to protect their health. Some examples: Wearing of sun glasses to protect the eyes from strong sun irradiation Wearing the seat belt on car rides to protect health and life. mention further examples * * There are several warning symbols when labeling products that need to be heeded. The following five (5) symbols are applied to products that are used for professional cleaning in the operating area of food and service and hospitality: harmful corrosive irritant flammable/highly flammable oxidizing * * Corrosive In case of misuse, the products immediately cause irritations or burns on skin, eyes, mucus membranes and respiratory system. Corrosive products attack different metals and produce dangerous reactions when reacting with acids. * * Irritant The concentrated product irritates the skin, eyes and respiratory system (e.g. inflammation of skin and eyes, cough) * * Harmful In high doses and at long exposures these products cause serious health damages when inhaled, touched or swallowed. * * Highly flammable The product is flammable when spilled. When spilled invisible vapors spread through the room or hoover just above the floor. Special caution is to be exercised depending on the amount. There is the high risk of fire and explosion. Smoking and open fire is to be avoided. * * * * Oxidizing Product is highly oxidizing. It may ignite flam


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