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采砂坑纵剖面尺寸对卵石河道河床演变影响的数值试验 ——以石亭江双盛段为例 于合理,夏 叶,王之晗,黄 尔* (四川大学 水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室,四川) 摘 要:HEC-RAS泥沙计算模块,以石亭江双盛段为研究对象,结合野外调查实际情况,拟定数种采砂坑工况,研究采砂坑纵剖面尺寸对河道河床演变的影响。根据资料和野外调查情况,首先,拟定HEC-RAS河道模型断面及水流和泥沙边界条件,然后在采砂方量及采沙坑宽度相同的条件下,拟定5种不同纵剖面尺寸(深长比)的采砂坑,利用HEC-RAS泥沙计算模块进行数值模拟试验,对试验结果中河道主槽深泓点高程及断面沖淤量数据进行了统计和分析。结果表明:人工采砂对河床整体的下切起促进作用,长浅型采砂坑比短深型采砂坑更能促进河床下切;采砂坑上下游河床下切变化不同,随着采砂坑深长比的增大,上游河床下切深度减小,而下游下切深度呈现先减小后增大的趋势;采沙坑会改变河道局部坡度,采砂坑上游河道局部坡度增大,下游河道局部坡度减小。本次试验研究了不同纵剖面尺寸采砂坑存在时,河床演变的变化状况,结论可对涉河工程的防护与设计及流域采砂规划提供一定的参考。 关键字:采砂坑;深长比;河床演变;数值模拟 中图分类号:14 文献标志码:A Numerical imulation Study on Effect of Different Longitudinal Profile Dimensions of SandPit on Riverbed Evolution of Pebble Channel棗Al Case of Shuangsheng Section of Shiting River YU Heli, XIA Ye, WANG Zhihan, HUANG Er* (State Key Lab. of Hydraulics and Mountain River Eng., College of Water Resource & Hydropower, Sichuan Univ., Chengdu 610065, China) Abstract: Human activities are closely linked to the riverbed evolution and the hydraulic geometry of river, which make the mountains river a series of change in morphology and sediment movement. In recent years, with the rapid increase in the demand for building sand, people mined river sand on a large scale, which changed the original river bed boundary condition of rivers and had considerable impact on riverbed evolution. Studying the influence of sand mining on the riverbed evolution of rivers has important academic and practical significance. Based on the HEC-RAS sediment calculation module, in combination with the practical field investigation, the numerical simulation had several kinds of sandpits in order to study the influence of different longitudinal profile dimensions of sandpit on the riverbed evolution of rivers. According to the data and the practical field investigation, firstly the experiment protocoled HEC-RAS section distribution of numerical model and boundary condition. And then on the condition that the volume and width of sandpit was almost same


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