科技文章英译汉过程中状语语序调整——以《南极遗产绕极保护》翻译为例-the adjustment of adverbial word order in the process of translating scientific articles into english - taking the translation of antarctic heritage circumpolar protection as an example.docx

科技文章英译汉过程中状语语序调整——以《南极遗产绕极保护》翻译为例-the adjustment of adverbial word order in the process of translating scientific articles into english - taking the translation of antarctic heritage circumpolar protection as an example.docx

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科技文章英译汉过程中状语语序调整——以《南极遗产绕极保护》翻译为例-the adjustment of adverbial word order in the process of translating scientific articles into english - taking the translation of antarctic heritage circumpolar protection as an example

i i 摘 要 本文所选用的翻译材料选自环境保护组织和慈善家组织组成的国际联盟— —南冰洋联盟(AOA)建议在南冰洋海域的 19 个特定区域建立海洋保护区(MPAs) 网络和禁捕海洋保留区的一份报告,报告题为《南极遗产:绕极保护》。该报告 共 60 页,笔者选择了其第 5 页至第 20 页间的内容进行了翻译。本文主要阐述了 英译汉的状语及状语从句的语序问题,文章由任务描述,任务过程,案例分析和 实践总结 4 部分组成,其中案例分析为主要部分,从状语的语序调整和状语从句 的语序调整两大方面进行了分析。状语的语序调整又由时间状语、地点状语、原 因状语、目的状语和让步状语的语序调整 5 个小方面组成;状语从句的语序调整 主要分析了原因状语从句、让步状语从句和条件状语从句 3 个方面的语序调整问 题。本文采用的理论是德国翻译目的学派汉斯·弗米尔的目的论,该理论主张译 文应尽可能地贴近译入语、符合译入语的用语习惯。弗米尔更加注重译文读者, 认为翻译的重点是把原文要表达的信息传递给译文读者,主张翻译方法和翻译策 略由翻译的目的决定,翻译应该以译入语为目的取向。笔者在对翻译材料进行翻 译的过程中,始终都以该理论为指导,尽量做到尽可能地贴近译入语,保证译文 的可读性和可接受性。笔者认为好的译文就应该符合译入语的用语习惯,符合译 文读者的阅读期待与交际需求。 关键字:语序调整;状语;状语从句 ii ii Abstract The material used in this paper excerpted from a report of the Antarctic Ocean Alliance, which suggests to creat a network of marine protected areas(MPAs) and no-take marine reserves in 19 specific areas in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. The report entitled Antarctic Ocean Legacy: A Vision for Circumpolar Protection . The author chose the fifth to twentieth pages to translate. This paper mainly explains adverbials‘ and adverbial clauses‘ adjustment of word order in English-Chiese translation. This paper is consisted of four parts that are task description, process description, case analysis and conclusion, among them case analysis is the most important part. Case analysis is made of two parts, one is adjustment of adverbial‘s word order that includes adverbial of time, adverbial of place, adverbials of reason, adverbial of purpose and adverbial of concession, the other one is adjustment of adverbial clause‘s word order which is consisted of adverbial clause of cause, adverbial clause of concession and adverbial clause of condition. The theory of this paper is Hans Vermeer‘s Skopos. This theory advocates that purposes of translation determine methods and strategies of translating, and translating should regards target language as its objective orientation. Through translating the material and writing this paper, the author believes a good translation should co



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