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海华永泰律师事务所简介 海华永泰律师事务所于一九九五年设立,是上海市综合规模较大并 在专业服务上居于领先地位的律师事务所之一。事务所专业从事企业投 融资及知识产权等法律服务,是该等领域中沪上较为领先的专业法律服 务机构,提供包括金融证券、知识产权、国际业务、诉讼仲裁、房地产 基建等方面的法律服务。 海华永泰共有律师一百余名,均毕业于国内外知名法律院校,多数 获得法学硕士学位,其余都获得相关专业学位,事务所具有海外留学、 进修、工作经历的律师众多。 海华永泰内部设有研究发展部,由经验丰富的专业人员对与业务有 关的前沿性法律课题进行专项研究,并跟踪我国行内最新动态,能够为 客户提供优质、高效的法律服务。 本所为多家内资和中外合资的金融、证券、信托公司、企业集团提 供常年和专项法律顾问服务,对于企业投融资、私募上市、知识产权保 护、房地产及基础设施建设、外商投资并购、企业改制重组、劳动人事 等领域的诉讼仲裁和非诉讼法律服务已经具有很强的专业优势和很高 的知名度。近年来,由于在专业领域业绩突出,海华永泰被上海市司法 局评为“上海市司法行政系统先进集体”;2009 年海华永泰被评为“上 海市十佳律师事务所”。 Page 1 of 33 Brief Introduction to Haihua Yongtai Law Firm Haihua Yongtai Law Firm (here in after referred to as “HHYT”), established in 1995, is one of the law firms with comprehensively-large scale and leading position in legal service in Shanghai. HHYT specializes in legal services such as enterprises investment and financing, and Intellectual Property Protection, etc., and now is a leading legal service provider of these practice fields in Shanghai. HHYT provides legal services including finance securities, intellectual property, international business, litigation arbitration, real estate infrastructure construction, etc. HHYT now has recruited over 100 lawyers, most of who were graduated from prestigious law schools in China and abroad with LLM, the others had obtained relative professional degrees, many lawyers in HHYT have experiences of studying and working overseas. HHYT internally established a research and development department which is composed by experienced professional staffs, who making special research in leading legal issues related to the business and following the tracks of operational updates, is capable of providing our clients with superior-quality and high-efficiency legal services.


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