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Fundamental Theory of TCM Zhang Jing 1.The Theory of yin and yang 阴阳对立 -- opposition of (between) yin and yang 阴阳互根-- interdependence of yin and yang 阴阳消长-- waning and waxing of yin and yang 阴阳转化-- inter-transformation of yin and yang 2.Five-element Theory 相生 generation; promotion 相克 restriction; control 相乘 over-restriction; subjugation 相侮 counter-restriction; bully 母病及子--mother-organ disorder involving its child-organ 子病及母--child-organ disorder involving its mother-organ 滋水涵木--replenishing water to nourish wood 培土生金--reinforcing earth to generate metal 益火补土--tonifying fire to supplement earth 金水相生--mutual generation between metal and water 抑木扶土--inhibiting wood and strengthening earth 培土治水--cultivating earth to control water 佐金平木--assisting metal and calming wood 泻南补北--purging the south (fire) and nourishing the north (water) 3.Qi, Blood, Body fluid and Essense 元气primordial qi 元阴primordial yin 元阳primordial yang 气机qi activity 气化qi transformation 气海qi sea 卫气defensive qi 营气nutrient qi 宗气thoracic qi, pectoral qi 气能生血--qi promoting blood production 气为血之帅--qi being the governor of blood 血为气之母--blood being the mother of qi 气能生津--qi promoting the production of body fluid 气能行血--qi promoting blood circulation 气能摄血--qi governing blood 气滞血瘀—qi stagnation causing blood stasis Qi and Body Fluid 气能行津qi promoting body fluid circulation 气能摄津qi governing body fluid 津能载气body fluid conveying qi 津停气滞body fluid retention causing qi stagnation 4.Viscera State 心heart 肺lung 脾spleen 肝liver 肾kidney Heart 心主神明--heart controlling mental activities 心主血脉--heart controlling blood circulation 心藏神--heart storing spirit Lung 肺主气--lung governing qi 肺主呼吸之气--lung governing respiratory qi 肺主一身之气--lung governing physical qi 肺朝百脉--convergence of vessels in the lung 肺主行水--lung governing water metabolism 肺主治节--lung governing coordinative activities of viscera 肺为华盖--lung being the canopy 肺为娇脏--lung being the delicate organ 肺主宣发肃降--lung controlling dispersing outward and



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