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必修一unit2重点、难点 ? Unit Two? English around the world 1、? At the end of the 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English. 到16世纪末,大约有五百万到七百万人说英语。 易混辨析: at the end of? / by the end of? / in the end / at an end 1. at the end of 在….末尾 ? Can you see the two lights at the end of the hall? 你能看见大厅尽头的两个灯吗? 2. by the end of在….末尾 ? We had finished learning the first book by the end of last month. ? 到上个月月末我们已经把第一本书学完了。 3. in the end = at last 最后 ? The sports meet was held in the end. 运动会终于举行了。 4. at an end 结束;终结 ? The chairman put the tiring discussion at an end. 会议主席结束了烦人的讨论。 ?? 特别提示: ?? 1. at the end of和by the end of 都表示“在….末尾”,即可表示时间概念,也可表示空间概念。 ???? 但at the end of表示段的概念,而by the end of表示点的概念。 ?? 2. 当by the end of表示时间概念时,句子谓语一般用过去完成时或将来完成时。 ?? 命题动向: ?? 这几个短语一般考查意思的辨析或者考查题干中有“by the end of +时间”句子谓语的时态。 ?? 即时活用: ?? 1、How many English words______ you ______ by the end of last month? ?? ???A. has; learned???? B. had; learned??? C. did; learn???? D. would; learn ????? 答案:B ?? 2、By the time he gets home, his aunt ______ for Puerto Rico . A. will leave?? B. leaves??? C. will have left?? D. left ????? 答案:C ?? 3、The peace-loving people in the world strongly desire that an end should ______ the conflict in Greece. ?????? A. be put to??? B. put up??? C. ending???? D. bring ????? 答案:A ?? 4、He had learned English well _______ the end of six month. A. in? ?B. at????? C. though??????? D. by ????? 答案:B 2、? In some important ways they are very different from one another. 在一些重要的地方,他们互相有区别。 易混辨析: each other 和one another each other 和one another都是相互代词,都表示“互相”。但each other指“两者之间”或“两两之间”,而one another指“两者以上之间” We should learn and help each other in our class. 在我们班我们应该互相学习,互相帮助。 The six blind men could not agree with one another. 留个盲人不能互相同义别人的说法。 特别提示: each other 和one another的名词所有格形式是:each other’s 和one another’s。 3、I’d like to come up to your apartment. 我愿意去你的公寓。 come up 走进;上来 She came up and said, “ Glad to meet you”. 她走过来说:“很高兴见到你”。 联想扩展: come about 发生? come across 偶然碰到 come around


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