ythl公司劳务派遣用工策略分析-analysis on employment strategy of ythl company's labor dispatch.docx

ythl公司劳务派遣用工策略分析-analysis on employment strategy of ythl company's labor dispatch.docx

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ythl公司劳务派遣用工策略分析-analysis on employment strategy of ythl company's labor dispatch

摘要劳务派遣是工业化发展的必然结果,既是区域性的也是全球性的。中国的 劳务派遣源于工业化进程中的沉痛变革与社会进步,其中改革开发和城乡二元 结构调整,加速了劳务派遣的发展,这既符合了政府迫切解决就业矛盾的愿望, 也顺应了劳动者的实际需求。在滚动发展中形成了广泛的产业利益链:许多企 业需要这样的产业协作,成千上万的待业者需要这个行业解决就业,政府需要 就业来实现社会稳定。与此同时,在不断攀升的人力资源成本投入背景下,企 业组织如何对冲上涨的成本和克服政策因素带来的人力结构矛盾,寻求新的竞 争性人力资源市场,因此劳务派遣可能成为决策者选择的着眼点。多年来,中 国的劳务派遣市场乱象丛生,矛盾交织,用工单位、用人单位、劳动者和政府 监管部门相互博弈。如何平衡各方权益,成为理论界和实践界关心和争论的焦点。因此,研究 劳务派遣的意义在于化博弈为战略合作;拓展策略,降低劳动力成本和用工风 险;通过人力资源管理机制创新,提高管理效率。笔者作为劳务派遣工作的实践者,试图通过对文献研究、实地调查和访谈、 数据分析,以及理论阅读、现状诊断、问题分析和方案解决的研究方法和思路, 对劳务派遣的国内外研究动态和专业理论综述;分析国家法律法规对劳务派遣 的要求;归纳国内劳务派遣的主要形态;以 YTHL 公司为例的劳务派遣现状、YTHL 公司劳务派遣用工模式总结;指出了 YTHL 公司劳务派遣用工存在的问题,并提 出了解决问题方案。本文结论认为劳务派遣已发展成为极具影响力的产业;劳 务派遣随着竞争必然演变为一种商业模式;劳务派遣模式的消化、吸收和应用, 应当与本单位的人力资源政策结合;YTHL 公司在实践劳务派遣用工中既获得了 成功经验,也存在潜在风险因素。劳务派遣的挑战与机遇并存,但机遇大于风 险挑战。关键词:人力资源;劳务派遣;用工策略AbstractLabor dispatch is a corollary of industrialization, both regional and global. China's labor dispatch originates from the miserable revolution and social progress during the process of industrialization, among which reform and opening up and the adjustment of urban-rural dual structure has accelerated the development of labor dispatch, which not only conforms to government's eager expectation to solve employment conflict, but also conforms to the actual demand of laborers. Extensive industrial profit chains have formed in the rolling development: many enterprises need such industrial cooperation, thousands of job hunters need this industry to get a job, and the government needs employment to achieve social stability. Meanwhile, with the increasing cost of human resource input, enterprises and organizations need to offset the rising cost, solve the structural contradiction of human resource caused by policy factors, and seek for a new competitive market of human resource. Therefore labor dispatch is likely to be the focus on which decision makers make their choice. For many years, the labor dispatch market of China has been in widespread dislocation and full of complicated contradictions, and the employment



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