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湖北省高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文 自学考试本科毕业论文 题目: 论建筑市场文明施工的作用与意义 学 院: 城建学院 专 业: 工程管理 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 日 期: 湖北省高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文 摘 要 论文的目的是研究筑市场文明施工的作用以及意义。 论文由建筑市场文明施工的作用与意义、建筑市场文明施工的重要性、如何 做到安全文明施工、建筑市场文明施工中的绿色施工四部分组成。 文明施工已经提到了企业是否能够生存的高度,我们所有的管理人员只有深 刻的认识到文明施工的重要性,人人重视文明施工、人人关注文明施工、人人参 与文明施工管理,让文明施工成为一种自觉行为,才能使我们的文明施工管理上一 个新台阶,从而切实改善施工环境、施工秩序,提高企业的综合实力,让企业可持续 发展有一个坚实的基础。文明施工是技术的创新,强调文明施工,意味着施工过程 中要不断采取新技术、新工艺、新方法,革新施工手段,完善技术设备,文明施工是 企业发展的内在要求。 关键词:文明施工、安全施工、绿色施工。 Abstract 湖北省高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文 The purpose of this paper is to study the construction of civilized construction function andmeaning ofmarket. The thesis consists ofthe construction market civilization construction oftherole and significance of the construction market, the importance of civilization construction, how to ensure safety and civilized construction, construction market civilization construction ofgreen construction iscomposed offourparts. The construction of civilization has been referred to the enterprise to survival ishigh, the importance of all our managers only recognize the profound civilization construction, people pay attention to construction of civilization, civilized construction, everybody to pay attention to everyone involved in the management of civilized construction, let civilized construction become a conscious act, to make a new step on our civilization construction management in order to improve the environment, construction, construction order,improve the comprehensive strength of enterprises, make enterprises have a solid foundation for sustainable development. Civilized construction is the innovation of technology, emphasizing the construction of civilizati


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