日本动漫《海贼王》的跨文化传播分析-analysis of cross-cultural communication of japanese cartoon.docx

日本动漫《海贼王》的跨文化传播分析-analysis of cross-cultural communication of japanese cartoon.docx

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日本动漫《海贼王》的跨文化传播分析-analysis of cross-cultural communication of japanese cartoon

内容摘要随着视觉文化传播的逐渐兴起,图片和视频的传播在我们生活中占据着很大的比 重,动漫作为一种视觉文化的表现形式,在文化传播中扮演着重要的角色,其影响不可 小觑。同时,全球化也成为当下不可回避的现实语境,在全球化的大背景下,美国、日 本、韩国的动漫产业近年来正在迅速地崛起,日本更是享有“动漫王国”的美誉,其动 漫产品受到全球的广泛关注。相比于日本动漫,我国动漫却逊色很多,虽在数量上有了 提高,但却未能真正地走出国门。日本动漫《海贼王》自 1999 年播出以来就大受欢迎,其单行本在日本以外亦有 30 多个翻译本发行,动画也被翻译成不同的语言传播到国外,吸引了来自世界各地的受众, 动漫《海贼王》能够广受世界各地受众赞誉与其靓丽的外在是分不开的,但在全球化的 背景下,这部动漫为何能够实现跨文化传播?这值得我们思考。本文针对日本动漫《海贼王》在全球广泛传播这一现象,以跨文化传播理论为指导, 运用文本分析的方法,试图探究这部动漫能够被不同文化背景的受众接受的原因,以此 为中国动漫的跨文化传播提供一些借鉴。研究发现,日本动漫《海贼王》在场景选择、 人物角色塑造、主题与情节设置等方面融合了多国的文化元素,它对东、西方文化进行 了吸收和改造,并利用文化的接近性和差异性进行传播。此外,这部动漫还积极寻求东、 西方文化中的契合点,为满足不同文化背景的受众需求向我们展现了共享的价值观。这 些正是日本动漫《海贼王》能够实现跨文化传播的原因。关键词:日本动漫;海贼王;跨文化传播AbstractWith the rise of visual culture communication,the transmission of pictures and videos have occupied a large proportion in our life.As a form of visual culture,animation plays an important role in culture communication.At the same time, globalization is a situation that we could not avoided.In the background of globalization,the animation industry of USA, Japan, South Korea are rapidly rising in recent years.Japanese animation has attracted world wide attention,even have a title “the Cartoon Kingdom”.Compared to the japanese animation,although the number of chinese animation has increased,it have not been popular in the world wide.A japanese animation named One Piece has attracted audiences from all over the world as soon as it broadcasted in 1999,it has also been translated into more than 30 languages abroad.It’s beautiful image plays an indispensable role,but in the background of globalization,why can One Piece realize intercultural communication?It’s worth studying.The paper concerns about the phenomenon that the japanese animation One Piece spread all over the world.With the theroy“Intercultural communication”and text analysis,this paper trys to explore the cause why one piece can be accept by people of different cultural backgrounds and provides some references for chinese animation.The study finds that the animation One Piece ha



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