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Lesson71-72一.词形转换。1.time(复数)_____________2.say(过去式)____________3. answer(单三)_________4.phone(同义词)_________5. last(反义词)____________6. dairy(复数)_____________7. finish(反义词)___________ 8. year(复数)_____________9. spend(单三)____________ 10. play(单三)____________二.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. She_______(shut)the window ten minuets ago.2. They_______(swim)across the river the day before yesterday.3. ______(have)a cup of tea, please.4. How_____(many)does it cost?5. I______(write)a letter last night.6. There aren’t _______(some)cigarettes.7. He??____ (have)an ?uncle.8. Would ?you like?______?(some)?tea??9. Climate?_____(is)?our?favorite?subject.10.What?______(do)??he do in?the?evening?三.单选。1. She_______ him a banana two days ago.A. gave B. given C. gives C. gived2. A train _______ for London an hour ago.A. leaved B. leaves C. left C. leaving3. He_____ telephone his father yesterday.A. didn’t B. don’t C. doesn’t D. isn’t4. Did he go to the stationer last night?Yes, he______.A. does. B. do C. did D. is5. They are going to stay______hergrandfather’s this weekend.A. at B. in C. on D. with6. You shouldn’t spend so much time ______ watching TV.A. in B. with C. at D. on7. It took me ten years ______English.A. study B. studies C. to study D. studying8. He_____ in Shanghai yesterday.A. is B. was C. did D. does9. Lucy_____ do her homework at home yesterday.A. did B. didn’t C. isn’t D. is10. I want to ______my holiday in the country this weekend.A. spend B. spent C. spending D. cost四.改错,请选出错的一项,将序号填入题前括号内并把正确答案写在横线上。()1. Can?you?see?the?words?written?whith?the?blackboard???___________A B C()2. There?are?two?bridgesin the?river. _______________________ A B C()3.Have?you?ever?gone?to?Hangzhou? _______________________A B C()4. He answers my questionsjust now. _______________________A B C()5.?Did he does his homework yesterday? _________________________A B C 五.句型转换。1.?This?is?he


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