招帮你变大厨( tips to help you become Chef).docVIP

招帮你变大厨( tips to help you become Chef).doc

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招帮你变大厨( tips to help you become Chef).doc

72招帮你变大厨(72 tips to help you become Chef) Everyone can be a good cook: 72 tips for cooking help you become Chef 01, go to the smell of mutton: Method 1: take the radish and mutton together and take out the Robtch in half an hour. Put a few pieces of orange peel to be better; Method two: mung bean 5 grams per kilogram of lamb, boiled 10 minutes later, the water and mung beans together poured; Method three: put half a pack of hawthorn slices; Method four: walnut shell two or three washed, drilled into; Method five: 1 kilograms of lamb and curry powder 10 grams; Method six: 1 kilograms of mutton and cut open 200 grams of sugarcane; Method seven: boil 1 kilograms of water, add 1 kilograms of mutton, vinegar 50 grams, boiled and fished out, and then add water and spices. 02, boiled beef: in order to make beef stew quickly, stew rotten, add a small amount of tea (about a pot of tea, wrapped in gauze) cooked together, the meat will soon rotten and delicious. 03, cooking soup bones, add a teaspoon of vinegar, the bones of phosphorus, calcium dissolved in the soup, soup and preservation of the vitamin. 04, boiled beef and other tough, hard meat and game poultry, add vinegar to soften it. 05, boiled soup or spareribs soup, put a few pieces of fresh orange peel, not only delicious taste, but also reduce the greasy feeling. 06, boiled Bacon: more than a dozen drilling with a lot of small holes cooked walnut, can eliminate the stench 07, mung beans in the wok for 10 minutes, and then cook, can quickly cook rotten, but pay attention to not fried coke 08, when the water boiled with vinegar can prevent the shell cracked, can also add some salt in advance 09, boil kelp, add a few drops of vinegar easily rotten; put a few waves dishes also do 10, before boiling ham, ham coated with white sugar, easy to cook rotten, taste more delicious 11, boiled dumplings, put a scallion in the water, or add salt after the water, and then put dumplings, dumplings taste delicious, not adhesion; in th


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