电影 情归巴黎 _ 萨布里娜 Sabrina.台词剧本中英文对照.docx

电影 情归巴黎 _ 萨布里娜 Sabrina.台词剧本中英文对照.docx

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电影 情归巴黎 _ 萨布里娜 Sabrina.台词剧本中英文对照.docx

00:00:52,000 -- 00:00:57,000从前 在长岛的北滩Once upon a time... on the north shore of Long Island...800:00:57,010 -- 00:00:59,800离纽约不远的地方not far from New York...900:01:00,010 -- 00:01:05,190有座很大 很大的宅邸 像是座城堡there was a very, very large mansion... almost a castle...1000:01:05,200 -- 00:01:09,280其中住着赖瑞毕一家人where there lived a family by the name of Larrabee.1100:01:13,900 -- 00:01:19,320宅子内外都有仆人There were servants inside the mansion... and servants outside the mansion.1200:01:19,330 -- 00:01:22,130专人照看游艇Boatmen to tend the boats...1300:01:22,800 -- 00:01:25,190六组园丁and six crews of gardeners...1400:01:25,200 -- 00:01:29,720两组负责后院 其他负责园地two for the solarium, the rest for the grounds...1500:01:30,040 -- 00:01:33,130有专职树木整形的仆人and a tree surgeon on retainer.1600:01:34,050 -- 00:01:39,400还有专人打理室内外网球场There were specialists for the indoor tennis courts and the outdoor tennis courts.1700:01:40,050 -- 00:01:43,240室内外游泳池The outdoor swimming pool and the indoor swimming pool.1800:01:44,120 -- 00:01:46,040车房里And over the garage...1900:01:46,050 -- 00:01:49,390住着专职司机 费尔柴尔德there lived a chauffeur by the name of Fairchild...2000:01:49,430 -- 00:01:52,310多年前从英国来美imported from England years ago...2100:01:52,360 -- 00:01:55,140来时带着一辆劳斯莱斯together with a Rolls - Royce...2200:01:55,400 -- 00:01:58,830还有一个女儿 名叫莎宾娜and a daughter named Sabrina.2300:01:58,840 -- 00:02:02,020? 月光下 ?? In the moonlight. ?2400:02:03,040 -- 00:02:06,620? 魅影婆娑 ?? When the shadows play. ?2500:02:07,510 -- 00:02:11,740? 欲说还休之际 ?? When the thought of what could happen. ?2600:02:11,750 -- 00:02:14,740? 竟连呼吸也不能 ?? Takes your breath away. ?2700:02:15,800 -- 00:02:19,600? 夜空里倘佯着 ?? Sighs and whispers. ?2800:02:20,390 -- 00:02:24,200? 浅吟低语和欢笑 ?? Quiet laughter in the air. ?2900:02:25,230 -- 00:02:30,590? 恍惚间 爱竟似唾手可得 ?? Can make it seem that love is everywhere. ?3000:02:30,600 -- 00:02:35,390赖家举办的舞会盛名远播Among other things... the Larrabees were noted for the parties they gave.3100:02:35,900 -- 00:02:39,200现在很少有这么好的派对了Few people anymore


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