
Wayne – Nice paper - University of Maine System.docx

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Wayne – Nice paper - University of Maine System.docx

Underway and moored methods for improvingaccuracy in measurement of spectral particulate absorption and attenuationWayne H. Slade(1), Emmanuel Boss(1), Giorgio DallOlmo(2), M. RoisLangner(3), James Loftin(1), Michael J. Behrenfeld(2), and Collin Roesler(4)School of Marine Sciences, 5706Aubert Hall, University of Maine,Orono, MEDepartment of Botany and Plant Pathology, OregonStateUniversity, Corvalis, ORFormerly of: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, West Boothbay Harbor, MEDepartment of Geology, BowdoinCollege, Brunswick, MECorresponding Author Contact: wayne.slade@5706 Aubert HallUniversity of MaineOrono, ME04469Submitted to Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (JAOTO.755)AbstractOptical sensors have distinct advantages when used in ocean observatories, autonomous platforms, and on vessels of opportunity, because of their high-frequency measurements, low power consumption, and the numerous established relationships between optical measurements and biogeochemical variables. However, the issues of bio-fouling and instrument stability over time remain complicating factors when optical instruments are used over periods longer than several days. Here, a method for obtaining calibration-independent measurements of spectral particle absorption and attenuation is presented. Flow through optical instrumentation is routinely diverted through a large surface area 0.2 ?m cartridge filter, allowing calculation of particle optical properties by difference of temporally-adjacent filtered and whole water samples. This approach yields measurements that are independent of drift in instrument calibration. The method has advantages not only for coastal moored deployments, but also for applications in optically clearwaters where uncertainties in instrument calibration can be a significant part of the signal measured. The differencing technique is demonstrated using WETLabs (Philomath, OR) ac-9 and ac-s multi- and hyper-spectral absorption and attenuation meters. For the ac


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