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xx地质大学xx学院 本 科 课 程 设 计 题 目: 基于单片机的多路火灾报警系统设计 系 别 信息工程系 学生姓名 xx 专 业 电子信息工程 学 号 xx 指导教师 xx 职 称 研究生 2015年 05 月 20 日 基于单片机的多路火灾报警系统设计 摘 要 当今世界,科学技术的迅猛发展给人们的日常生活带来了极大的便利,各种电子产品在人们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,但是在带给人们极大便利的同时,也存在着巨大的火灾隐患。为了尽可能的避免以及减少火灾带来的损失,要求开发和完善火灾自动报警系统,将火灾消灭于萌芽状态,提高预警能力。基于此理念,本文从实际生活着手,设计了一种能够适用多种场合的火灾智能报警系统,该报警系统以AT89S52单片机为控制核心,它用来接收和处理火灾探测器所反馈来的烟雾浓度信号与温度信号,并控制报警器进行报警。该系统可以一直向现场发出信号来对温度与烟雾浓度进行实时的监测,并能够及时的将监测反馈给报警控制器,控制器会将反馈的烟雾浓度与温度值信号与设定的阈值相比较来判断是否有火灾发生,当现场烟雾浓度或者温度异常时便会进行报警,是一种结构相对简单简单、使用方便、廉价的智能化火灾报警器,具有很广阔的前景与实用性。 关键词: 单片机; 智能火灾报警; 传感器 ABSTRACT In todays world, the rapid development of science and technology brought great convenience to Peoples Daily life, all kinds of electronic products in peoples life plays a more and more important role, but in brings people great convenience, at the same time also there is a large fire hazards. In order to avoid and reduce fire losses, to develop and improve the automatic fire alarm system and the fire in the bud, improve the ability of early warning. Based on this idea, this text set about from the actual life, design a kind of can apply a variety of occasions of intelligent fire detection and alarm system, the alarm system AT89S52 single chip microcomputer as control core, it is used to receive and process feedback to fire detector signals with temperature, smoke concentration and alarm control alarm. Can send a signal to a site to the system for real-time monitoring of temperature and smoke concentration, and be able to timely feedback will monitor to the alarm controller, the controller will feedback the smoke concentration and temperature signal is compared with the threshold set to determine whether there is a fire, when the smoke concentration or temperature anomaly will be to call the police, is a relatively simple structure, easy and convenient to use, cheap intelligent fire alarm system, has the very broad prospects and pra


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