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Unit 2 Where’s my coat? Where’s the banana? It’s on the desk. Where’s the cap? It’s under the desk. Where’s the cat? It’s in the box. --Where are the bags? --They are on the desk. --Where are the caps? --They’re under the box. ???????????????????????????????????????????????? Where are the shoes? They are in the box. Where are the cats? They are under the desk. Where are the apples? They are on the desk. Task1:make up your conversation(编对话) Task2:fill in the blanks.(填空) The flowers are ____________ ( 在椅子上) My bag is ___________ (在桌子上) Where are _____________(你的鞋子) The red cup is _____________(在盒子上) The coats are _____________(在床上) The red apples are _____________(在树上) Your shoes are ____________(在床下) My English teacher is _____________(在教室里) The black cap is ________________(在包里) on the chair on the desk your shoes on the box on the bed on the tree under the bed in the classroom in the bag Where’s the book ? It’s on the box Where’s the cap? It’s in the bag. Where are the pens? They’re on the desk. Where are the bags? They are under the bed ? 用 be动词填空 I ______ an English teacher.. She _____ my friend. It ______ my cap. This ____ my mother. Daming _____ your son. They _____ in the classroom. You ______ a boy. What _____ these in English? How many pens _____ there? There _____ one . am is is is is are are are are is 11. You and I ______ good friends. 12. My shoes _____ under the bed. 13.Where _____ your bag? 14. Where ______ the flowers. 15.There _____ ten black computers. 16. The teachers _____ in the classroom. 17. Where _____ the boys? 18. Miss Hu _____ my English teacher. 19. It _____ in the bag on your desk. 20.What colour _____ the bananas? are are is are are are are is is are Find the difference 1.两人一组,A只看19页图画,B只看21页图画。图片中有一些相同的东西,但他们所存放的地点不一样。找出不同点。 2.两人轮流问物品所在位置,并记下不同完成表格。 3向其他同学汇报自己所获得的信息。 Homework 1 观察你自己房间里物品的放置情况,练习使用in,on,under 等介词,并用英语写成小短文。 Goodbye! / 微信刷票 像她刚刚嫁进王府の时候那样/排字琦怎样布置/她就要怎样被动地接受/毕竟初来乍到/她の名分又在排字琦之下


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