钢结构设计原理练习及答案(Steel structure design principles, exercises and answers ).docVIP

钢结构设计原理练习及答案(Steel structure design principles, exercises and answers ).doc

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钢结构设计原理练习及答案(Steel structure design principles, exercises and answers ).doc

钢结构设计原理练习及答案14(Steel structure design principles, exercises and answers 14) Moni4 Simulation questions 4 First, fill in the blanks (1.5 points per minute, 15 points) 1. The failure modes of shear bolts are:,, and . Answer The answer cut bolt hole wall, crushing, steel plate is broken, end plate, punching shear bending failure of bolt. 2. Pressure type high strength bolts are only used to withstand the connection between load and load structure. Answer Static and indirect dynamics 3 、 in the design of steel structure, the strength design value of steel is the standard value of material strength, and the coefficient of resistance is partial. Answer Divide the answer 4. Minimum weld size in fillet weld HT, min=1.5, t. Answer The answer is the maximum thickness of the connecting piece 5. The slenderness ratio of a component is the ratio (expressed in symbolic terms). Answer Answer Two, the multiple-choice questions (1 points per game, 10 points) 1, the design strength of steel is determined. (A) proportional limit (B) elastic limit (C) yield point (D) ultimate strength answer Answer C 2. Steel undergoes strain hardening (strain hardening). (A) increase in strength; (B) plasticity increased (C) the cold bending performance is improved (D) solderability increases the answer Answer A 3, the roof rod in the small force of the abdomen, and its cross-section is usually press. (A) allowing slenderness ratio selection (B) construction requirements decision (C) deformation requirements are determined (D) local stability determines the answer Answer A The base plate thickness, 4 axial compression column is at bottom. (A) determination of bending work; (B) determined by compressive work; (C) shear work determined; (D) determination of bending and compression work; Answer A 5, when the material is Q235-BF steel and Q345-BF steel, welding by hand welding, welding electrodes should be used. (A) carbon steel E43 (B) carbon steel E50 (C) low alloy steel E50 (D) low alloy steel E55 answ


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