Classical Conditioning Intro - TeachLine介绍teachline经典条件反射.ppt

Classical Conditioning Intro - TeachLine介绍teachline经典条件反射.ppt

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Classical Conditioning Intro - TeachLine介绍teachline经典条件反射

Classical Conditioning Associative Definitions An Unconditioned stimulus (US) is a stimulus which “naturally” elicits an (unconditioned) response (UR). For example: An airpuff to the eye is an unconditioned stimulus which elicits an eyeblink (nictitating membrane response). A conditioned stimulus (CS) is a “neutral” stimulus (e.g. a tone), which, by being associated with the US, leads after learning to a conditioned response (CR). Basic paradigm Before learning, US - UR CS - nothing Training: CS+US - UR CS - increasing CR(=UR) Post-training: CS- CR (=UR). Temporal relationship of CS,US: Simultaneous, delayed (partial overlap in time) or trace (separated in time). Usually strongest conditioning effects for ISI of 200ms-2s. Circuitry for eyelid conditioning / nictitating membrane response Blocking neuronal activity in cerebellar output Superior cerebellar peduncle blocked using perfusion of TTX Expression of eyeblink conditioning blocked, but not acquisition CR-induced inhibition of the inferior olive activity is GABA-mediated Infusion of picrotoxin into the inferior olive prevented extinction of conditioned responses Training: five daily sessions Extinction protocol with: no infusion ACSF PTX Infusion of NBQX into the inferior olive caused extinction of conditioned responses Retraining: five daily sessions Tone plus unconditioned stimulus test sessions with: ACSF NBQX (AMPA receptor antagonist) Trial or time dependent influence? Average CS-alone responses of a wild-type animal and a L7-PKCi mutant At T-4 (but not at T-2) the wt shows well-timed responses around the US onset time. The response peak of the mutant doesn’t change. Average CS-alone responses when the ISI is extended to 500 ms If the timing is LTD-dependent, the amplitude and velocity in the L7-PKCi mutant should not be influenced by the length of the ISI. * Learning Nonassociative Habituation Sensitization A single type of stimulus



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