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*Ethnopharmacology:Cultural Issues Genetic Influences Dr. Barbara Jones Warren, PhD, APRN, BC Objectives Examine issues of culture and genetics as they relate to care of persons by advanced practice nurses. Describe issues of culture as they relate to advanced clinical interviewing assessment techniques. Let’s Talk About Definitions Culture: norms, values, and beliefs that provide meaning for an individual, group, or community’s life. Ethnicity: common heritage shared by a particular group. Race: often thought of as genetic determinants within an individual’s biological make-up. However, the most Surgeon General states, “Different cultures classify people into racial groups according to a set of characteristics that are socially significant. In fact, there is research that indicates there are greater genetic variations within a racial group than across racial groups.” Health: “word symbol” that provides forward movement of the personality and other ongoing human processes which leads to creative, constructive, productive, personal, community living. Environment: physiological, psychological, and social fluidity for the client and APRN. Ethnopharmacology: the study of pharmacologic responses for persons from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Current State of the Knowledge There are biological basis for variations or differences in metabolic response to agents. Genetics and polymorphism in drug metabolism Multiple disease states Drug to drug interactions Environmental Diet, smoking, pregnancy, stress, diurnal rhythms Current State of the Knowledge Cultural Attitudes, beliefs, family influences and therapy expectations. Genetic responses are variant and may cause higher response higher risk for more intense negative side effects. This is where cultural competence and physiology meet ? create quality, culturally responsive care for clients. Biological Basis for Differences Genetics and polymorphism in drug metabolism Specific DNA regions on various c
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