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2013年春研究生《工程材料疲劳与断裂》课程试卷一 姓名 出生日期 年 月 日 性别 学校住址 民族 联系电话 现学习院系专业/导师 本科学校院系 入学时间 本科学习专业 毕业时间 是否学习过以下课程 材料科学导论 断裂与疲劳 其它 断裂力学基础 结构失效 计算机等级 外语等级 1 为什么学习这门课程?和研究课题有什么关系?你同时或稍后还有其它的学习计划吗? 2 请解释传统的强度设计概念、一般方法及它的优缺点。 3 你听说或见过有关工程断裂失效的事情吗?请举出一例,并分析它们的力学特点是什么? 4 什么是金属材料的脆性断裂,它的核心本质是什么?你能说出与之相关的理论观点、术语吗? 5 什么事疲劳?疲劳有哪些特征?你能画出一个简单的循环载荷示意图吗? 6 什么是断口分析,在失效分析中断口能提供哪些信息? 7 疲劳断口和静载破坏断口有什么不同? 8 已知循环最大应力smax=200MPa,最小应力smin=50MPa,计算循环应力变程Δs,应力幅sa,平均应力sm和应力比R 9 The S-N curve of a material is described by the relationship ,where N is the number of cycles to failure, S is the amplitude of the applied cyclic stress, and is the monotonic fracture strength ,i.e.,S= at N=1. A rotating component made of this material is subjected to 104 cycles at S=0.5.If the cyclic load is now increased to S=0.75, how many more cycles will the material withstand? 10 Translation E2C Fatigue Crack Nucleation Fatigue cracks nucleate at singularities or discontinuities in most materials. Discontinuities may be on the surface or in the interior of the material. The singularities can be structural (such as inclusions or second-phase particles) or geometrical (such as scratches or steps). The explanation of preferential nucleation of fatigue cracks at surfaces perhaps resides in the fact that plastic deformation is easier there and that slip steps form on the surface. Slip steps alone can be responsible for initiating cracks, or they can interact with existing structural or geometric defects to produce cracks. Surface singularities may be present from the beginning or may develop during cyclic deformation, as, for example, the formation of intrusions and extrusions at what are called the persistent slip bands (PSBs) in metals. These bands were first observed in copper and nickel by Thompson et al.4 They appeared after cyclic deformation and persisted even after electropolishing. On retesting, slip bands appeared again in the same places. Later, the dislocati



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