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第一篇 细菌学;第一节 细菌的大小与形态 第二节 细菌的结构 第三节 细菌形态与结构检查法;测量单位:;细菌按其外形,可分三大类;(1)双球菌(diplococcus) (2)链球菌(streptococcus) (3)葡萄球菌(staphylococcus) (4)四联球菌(tetrad) (5)八叠球菌(sarcina);球菌(coccus);链球菌(streptococcus),×1500;链球菌扫描电镜图(呈链状);葡萄球菌扫描电镜图(呈三维);四联球菌(tetrad), ×1500;不同杆菌的大小因种类而异;杆菌的形态多样;霍乱弧菌(vibrio cholerae);鼠咬热螺菌;;基本结构;(A) Electron micrograph of a thin section of the Gram-positive M. lysodeikticus showing the thick peptidoglycan cell wall (cw), underlying cytoplasmic (plasma) membrane (cm), mesome (m), and nucleoid (n). (B) Freeze-fractured Bacteriodes cell showing typical major convex fracture faces through the inner (im) and outer (om) membranes. Bars = 1 μm; circled arrow in Fig. B indicates direction of shadowing. ; 一、细胞壁的结构和化学组成 二、细菌细胞壁缺陷型 (细菌L型);细 菌;细菌细胞壁;The peptidoglycan layer;聚糖骨架在所有的细菌种类中是相同的;;G-菌肽聚糖—聚糖骨架、四肽侧链; The fact that all peptidoglycan chains are cross-linked means that each peptidoglycan layer is a single giant molecule. In gram-positive bacteria, there are as many as 50 sheets of peptidoglycan, comprising up to 50% of the cell wall material; in gram-negative bacteria, there appears to be only one or two sheets, comprising 5~10% of the wall material.;革兰阳性菌细胞壁特殊组分;磷壁酸: G+菌的重要表面抗原 是某些G+菌的非菌毛黏附素,与致病性有关;Gram-negative cell walls contain three components that lie outside of the peptidoglycan layer: lipoprotein, phospholipid bilayer, and lipopolysaccharide.;脂蛋白 脂质双层: 脂多糖 (lipopolysaccharide,LPS);(1)Lipid A consists of phosphorylated glucosamine disaccharide units to which are attached a number of long-chain fatty acids. Lipid A is the core structure of LPS. The structure and chemical compositions of lipid A are similar in nearly all Gram-negative bacteria. So the pathophysiologic effects of LPS(endotoxin) are similar regardless of their bacterial origin. ;(3)Each species, however, contains a unique repeat unit. The repeat units are usually linear trisaccharides or branched tetra- or pentasaccharides. The repeat unit is referred to a


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