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2011年广州市13所民办学校小升初联合素质检测考试(英语) I卷(60分) 一、语音知识:请区分划线部分的读音,如有一种读音,填“l”:两种读音,填“2”三种读音,填“3”:四种读音,填“4”。 (10%) ( )1.A.yet B.yes C.cry D.silly ( )2.A.early B.hear C.near D.ear ( )3.A.mended B.invited C.called D.arrived ( )4.A.choose B.chess C.watch D.chemistry ( )5.A.key B.keep C.wine D.west ( )6.A.wash B.fat C.about D.after ( )7.A.fact B.cut C.cost D.ceiling ( )8.A.above B.moment C.to D.opposite ( )9.A.trip B.trick C.tree D.meter ( )10.A.see B.best C.discover D.miss 二、单项选择(20%) ( )1.I bumped into a few foreign friends in the street. A.a few days B.other days C.the other day D.the other days ( )2.The weather will change the next few days. A.in B.for C.after D.at ( )3.The train an hour ago. A.leave B.left C.leaves D.is going to leave ( )4.Can you when the dance is over? A.drive me B.carry me C.pick me up D.pick up me ( )5.They will win the match, ? A.arent they B.shall they C.will they D.wont they ( )6.Ill wait you return, A.to B.from C.for D.until ( )7.Is there in the book? A.special something B.something special C.special anything D.anything special ( )8. will the concert last? A.How long B.How soon C.Where D.What ( )9.The Thames is the river in London. A.famous. B.most famous C.more famous D.famousest ( )1O.The beautiful city has only five people the square mile. A.for B.at C.to D.in 三、按句意及首字母提示,将句子所缺单词补充完整。(10分) l.Womens day is on the e of M. 2.Today I am f but yesterday I was busy. 3.The movie star is very f . Many people know him. 4.Christmas is the most important festival in w countries. 5.You look pale.Youd better go to see a d . 6.We ne



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