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本科毕业设计(论文) 助学单位: 辽宁建筑职业学院 专 业 项目管理 学生姓名 准考证号: 指导教师 导师职称: 完成日期: 谈工程项目中的风险应对策略 摘要 应对的过程中,管理当局评估对风险的可能性和影响的效果,以及成本效益,选择能够使剩余风险处于期望的风险容限以内的应对。 关键词:, Talk about the Risks Response Strategy in Engineering Project Abstract A kind of objective phenomenon as human history always exists, the risk at any time, everywhere. At present, our country has launched a very fruitful work in risk management. Project risk always exists, must be on the basis of system analysis, to take positive measures, to be prepared, to ensure that the consequence of risk control in the acceptable level. While the risk response is to put forward the suggestions and methods of project risk disposal. The process of project risk response, management assesses of risk likelihood and impact effect, and cost efficiency, selection can make the residual risk within desired risk tolerances of coping. 通过对项目风险识别、估计和评价,把项目风险发生的概率、损失严重程度以及其他因素综合起来考虑,就可得出项目发生各种风险的可能性及其危害程度,再与公认的安全指标相比较,就可确定项目的危险等级,从而决定采取什么样的措施及控制措施应该采取到什么程度。对项目风险管理的研究、教育与实践,对促进我国经济稳定、持续、快速发展具有重大的现实意义。将项目风险的应对措施及技巧结合实际应用到现实项目中,以减轻风险、预防风险、回避风险、转移风险、接受风险、储备风险。根据项目风险识别、估计和评价的基本结果,在对项目风险综合权衡的基础上,提出项目风险的管理措施和处置方法,以有效的消除或控制项目风险。 Based on the project risk identification, estimation and evaluation of the project risk, the probability of occurrence and severity of losses and other factors taken together, can the degree of possibility and harm that the project risks, and then compared with the safety index recognized, can determine the risk level of the project, thus decided to take measures and control what measures should be taken to what extent. On the education and practice of project risk management research, and is of great realistic significance in promoting China's economic stability and sustained and rapid dev


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