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难句分析与翻译 注:语法纲要是依据李阳疯狂英语<<突破语法>>写成,难句分析依据考试虫<<阅读基本功,难句过关>>写成. 掌握基本语法对阅读、听力、写作都有很大的帮助。此文目的之一在于巩固语法,请自行分析. 定语从句 英语中的定语既可前置亦可后置。 President Kennedy wanted people who raised questions,who criticized,on whose judgment he could rely,who presented an intelligent point of view,regardless of their rank or viewpoint. 分析:本句中四个“who”定语从句并列,共同修饰中心词“people”。 翻译:肯尼迪总统需要提问的人、能提批评意见的人,做出可靠判断的人以及能提出明智看法的人,而不问他们的级别和观点。 Thus,to rectify the positions taken previously,where we contented ourselves with condemnations,in my delegation’s opinion,we must find an overall solution which would come to grips with both substance as well as the superficial aspects which,after all,serve only to compel us to keep this problem constantly on the Security Council’s agends. 分析:本句中三个定语,尤其要注意第三个,只修饰superficial aspects,根据上下文有因果关系。 Recitify 纠正 Condemnation 谴责 Substance 本质 翻译:因此,我们代表团认为,要纠正我们过去采取的只是满足于进行谴责的那种立场,我们必须寻求一个全面的解决方案,既能解决本质方面的问题,又能解决表面的味儿难题,因为只解决表面的问题毕竟只能迫使我们一次又一次地把这个问题列入安理会的议程。 We may define chemistry as the science in which we deal with the chemical change in matter as a result of which it is possible to form a new substance. 分析:本句中第一个词指代 science,第二个词指代chemical change 翻译:我们可以说,化学是论述物质化学变化的科学,通过化学变化可能获得新的物质。 But it is clear from countries where women have smoked longest,such as the United Kingdom and the United States,that smoking cause the same dissease in women as in men and the gap between their death rates is narrowing. 分析:where 引导一个定语从句,修饰countries 翻译:但是有一点是无可质疑的,即从女性吸烟史最长的国家,如英国美国来看,吸烟能使女性换上和男性同样的病,而且两者的死亡率正在接近。 Work is therefore desirable,first and foremost,as a preventive of boredom,for the boredom that a man feels when he is doing necessary though uninteresting work is as noting in comparision with the boredom that he feels when he has nothing to do with his days. 分析:that引导定语从句,preventive:预防 翻译:因此,工作是人所需要的,首先,工作可以预防无聊,因为一个人在做尽管无趣却必要做的工作时所感到的厌烦与终日无所事事所感到的无聊是无法比拟的。 He finds that students who were easy to teach,because they succeeded in putting everything they had been taught into practice,hesit


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