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摘要 水泥是国民经济的基础原材料。经过多年发展,我国水泥工业的发展取得了很大的成就,年产量已经成为世界第一,很大程度上保证了国民经济的发展需要。随着水泥工业化的进程以及生产工艺,以及过程控制技术的不断升级,水泥制造的破碎设备已经发展成为多种设备并用,并且朝着设备大型化,提升工艺的智能化的方面发展,用以来满足水泥发展的大型化和现代化发展的要求。颚式破碎机经过100多年的实践和不断地改进,其结构已日臻完善。它具有构造简单、工作可靠、制造容易、维修方便等特点。所以,至今仍然是粗碎和中碎作业中最重要和使用最广泛的一种破碎机械。它不但在建材工业,也在冶金、煤炭、化工等工矿企业中被广泛地采用着。颚式破碎机主要用来破碎应力不超过200MPa的脆性物料。如铁矿石、金矿石、钼矿石、铜矿石、石灰石和白云石等。在建材工业中它主要用来破碎石灰石、水泥熟料、石膏、砂岩等。在颚式破碎机中,动颚板绕悬挂心轴对固定颚板作周期性摆动。当动颚靠近固定颚板时,则位于两颚板间的矿石受压碎、劈裂和弯曲作用而破碎。当动颚离开固定颚板时,已破碎的矿石在重力作用下,经排矿口排出,所以物料的破碎是在两块颚板之间进行的。 关键词:水泥;破碎机;颚式破碎机 ABSTRACT 窗体顶端 Cement is the basic raw material of the national economy. After years of development, the development of China's cement industry has made great achievements, annual production has become the first in the world, largely to ensure the development needs of the national economy. Cement the process of industrialization and the production process, and process control technology continues to upgrade, broken cement manufacturing equipment has been developed into a variety of devices, and toward large-scale equipment to enhance the process of intelligent development, since the meet the large cement development and modernization requirements. Jaw crusher after 100 years of practice and continuous improvement of its structure has been improving. It has a simple structure, reliable, easy to manufacture, easy maintenance. Still coarse crushing and crushing operations, the most important and most widely used a crusher. It is not only in the building materials industry, and metallurgy, coal, chemical and other industrial and mining enterprises has been widely adopted. The jaw crusher is mainly used in crushing stress of not more than 200MPa of brittle materials. Such as iron ore, gold ore, molybdenum ore, copper ore, limestone and dolomite. It is mainly used in the building materials industry broken limestone, cement clinker, gypsum, sandstone. In a jaw crusher, movable jaw plate around the suspension spindle cyclical swing of fixed jaw plate. When the movable jaw to


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