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SCXI的其它特性 可扩展,最多到3,072通道 紧凑,在7英寸空间可达384个通道 灵活,可以和最新的采集卡,软件,和计算机配合工作 高速,和E系列的采集卡配合扫描速度达33KHz 设置方便 结构开放 A/D 分辨率 A/D 采样率 多通道采集 连续扫描 同步采样 间隔扫描 实时系统集成总线 RTSI Real-Time Systems Integration Bus RTSI 在板卡之间连接时钟和触发信号 完成数据采集的同步操作 在DSP卡串行传输数据 触发 软件 DAQ的软件接口 要求: 可以所有采集卡的功能 向下兼容 通用的 API 功能齐全的设置工具 方便易用 软件开发平台选择 VirtualBench Ready-to-Run Virtual Instruments Virtual Instruments Scope Dynamic signal analyzer Arbitrary waveform generator Function generator DMM Data logger 软件开发平台 Graphical Programming LabVIEW What is Measurement Studio? Measurement Studio Tools for Visual C++ Compiler integration Measurement Studio Tools for Visual Basic Measurement and automation ActiveX controls LabWindows/CVI * Demo Code width = smallest detectable change in voltage = AD的输入范围 增益 * 2 n n = # of ADC bits 16-bit ADC 3-bit ADC Amplitude code width Time 0 20 100 120 140 40 60 80 10.00 9.75 7.50 6.25 5.00 3.75 2.50 1.25 0 111 110 100 011 010 001 000 Nyquist 原理 采样率 2倍的最高频率 Adequately sampled Aliased due to undersampling 采集模式 通道设置 扫描顺序 增益 范围 单端/差分输入 单极/双极 Strain gauge 1 Strain gauge 2 Battery 1 Battery 2 Temp Pressure Demo 软件触发 START TRIG* Input of MIO Board Edge Initiates Acquisition TTL Signal Level and Slope of Analog Signal Initiates Acquisition Level and Slope of Analog Signal Retrieves Acquisition 条件获取 (软件) 由 AI Buffer Read 设定 AI Read 调用 AI Buffer Read 模拟触发 数字触发 Demo 应用软件 接口软件 LabVIEW LabWindows/CVI Component Works Visual Basic C/C++... PCI-MIO-16E-1 DAQ 卡 NI-DAQ NI-DAQ Application Software Demo Demo Graphical Programming Empowering technology Natural flowchart notation Eliminates syntactical details Reduces development time Rapid prototyping Self-documenting Intuitive and easy to learn Ideal for code reusability Modularity and hierarchy Demo Measurement Hardware Windows Visual Basic Visual C++ Internet Visualization Analysis Acquisition LabWindows/CVI Measurement Studio Measurement Components Intellisense ClassWizard Visa GPIB Analysis UI Controls Utility Classes App


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