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Treatment Treatment Pharmacy Surgery Implant cochlear Hearing aid Other Surgery Improve hearing Tymplanoplasty Ossicle Chain Reconstruction Stapedectomy Cochlear implant Implantable hearing aids The Cochlear Implant (CI) A cochlear implant bypasses damaged hair cells and stimulates the auditory nerve directly. Vibrant Soundbridge Audio Processor TM Receiver (VORPTM) Conductor lead FMTTM Floating Mass Transducer The Vibrant Soundbridge is a unique middle ear implant system. It offers new ways to make sound audible and is an innovative and proven alternative to conventional hearing devices. Hearing aids Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid 聋,不哑 聋 哑 不聋,不哑 Universal Newborn Hearing Screening 高发病率 高危害性 高度可干预性 听力初筛 复筛 新生儿 出生 一般随访 医学干预 密切随访 诊断性测定 效果评估 聋病分子病因研究 Gene diagnosis Common deafness genes Cx26 (GJB2) SLC26A4(PDS) mitochondria gene Cx31(GJB3) Conclusions Conductive hearing loss Sensorineural Hearing Loss Hearing tests Treatment methods Thank you for your attention ! * Conductive – Ossicular chain Malleus (hammer) Incus (anvil) Stapes (stirrup) smallest bone of the body Absence Stiffness Otosclerosis Tympanosclerosis Dislocation (trauma) Cholesteatoma Tumors Hearing loss (HL) - classification Sensorineural - any damage to the organ of Corti or VIII nerve pathway or auditory cortex (SNHL) Sensorineural Hearing Loss Sensory Noise Noise-induced hearing loss Acoustic trauma Infection Genetic Neural Trauma Degeneration (Presbycusis) Tumors Presbycusis Heredity Infections Noise Induced Ototoxicity Meniere’s Disease Trauma Sudden idiopathic/viral Metabolic (diabetes mellitus) Autoimmune Neoplasm (acoustic neuroma) Congenital hearing loss and hereditary hearing loss Congenital hearing loss: hereditary hearing loss, Non-. Genetic factors cause more than 50% of congenital hearing loss in children, may be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked. Non-genetic Intrauterine infections including rubel


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