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2. They think it is just a matter of looking at maps carefully ---.(speaking 2) a matter of 一个……的问题 It is not only a matter of money. 全球变暖是一个生死攸关的问题,必须非常认真地对待。 Global warming is a matter of life and death, which wants dealing with carefully. * * 1. Try to reach agreement on the main points. (speaking) agreement (U)同意,一致 (C) 协议 reach / come to / arrive at / make agreement 取得一致意见, 达成协议 and didn’t make agreement on reducing nuclear weapons. sign an agreement 签署协议 break an agreement 违背协议 be in agreement with 同意 I’m more in agreement with you than with him. The conference held in Copenhagen, the capital city of Demark ended without a formal legal agreement _____. A. reach B. to reach C. reached D. reaching hammered out Do you know what is the matter? Do you know what the matter is? 3. The Group of Eight consists of the 8 riches countries in the world. (speaking 3) = be made up of; be composed of 由…组成;包括 The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Island. consists of sugar, flour and ginger powder. Our class consists of 57 students. = Our class is made up of 57 students. = 57 students make up our class. consist in 存在于, 在于 (lie in) Success consists in perseverance. Happiness consists in satisfaction. Gingerbread house 2008 浙江 American Indians_____ about 5% of the U.S. population. A. fill up B. bring up C. make up D set up 4. Do island nations have advantages over other countries? have/ gain/ give an advantage/advantages over sb. / sth. 女生在语言方面优于男生。 你有海外工作经历,比别人强。 take advantage of…: to make use of; profit from take advantage of others’ weakness / sympathy The great advantage Touch gains over


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