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ARTHUR: How do the wings give it lift? 机翼是如何产生支撑力的? CAROLYN: What?? 什么? ARTHUR: The wings are really heavy. How does bolting two ginormous lumps of metal to a ginormous lump of metal give it lift? 要知道,机翼可是相当重的。这两个大家伙是如何产生支撑力? ?CAROLYN: Oh, because they are wings. Theyre like birds wings.? 噢,因为它们是飞机的机翼,像小鸟翅膀一般。 ARTHUR: Yeah, but birds wings flap. Ours dont flap. Theyve got flaps, but I once watched the flaps, all the way to Stockholm. And take it from me, theyre seriously misnamed. So, so why does having wings make the plane leave the runway?? 是的,可是鸟儿的是振翅飞翔,可是飞机的机翼却不是。他们确实振翅过,我层曾在斯德哥尔摩看到过【这句该如何解释?】CAROLYN: (not knowing how to answer, and the door bell rings) Ah..Theyre here. Now go and wait in the car with them. I need to clean my teeth. (不知道该如何回答这个棘手的问题,正在这时,门铃响了。)啊,他们到了! 现在和他们在车里等着,我得去刷牙了。 ?ARTHUR: Yeah, but how do the wings..? 好的,但机翼是如何…… CAROLYN: Answer the door! 去开门! ?ARTHUR: Okay, Im going. Im going. (slams the door)? 好的,我就去了,我就要去课。(关门而出) CAROLYN: (the dog whimpers) There we are. Snoopadoo, whos a lovely clean girl. Hoho, go free. (The dog runs away.) (狗叫声)他们来了,Snoopadoo,我可爱的狗儿,去吧去吧…… ?ARTHUR: (opens the door) Hi, there, Douglas.? (开门),这里,Douglas。 DOUGLAS: Morning, Arthur. You are revoltingly chirpy for half six in the morning. Wheres your mother?? 早上好,Arthur。这会儿才6:30,你真是起的够早。你妈妈呢? ARTHUR: Shes just brushing her teeth. She says to wait for her in the car. (opens the car door) Uh, wheres Martin?? 她刚刚在刷牙,她让我们在她的车里等着(打开车门),Martin呢? DOUGLAS: Who can predict the movements of the supreme commander? Perhaps God wanted to pick his brains about something.? 谁能预测出咱们至高无上的长官的行动呢?老实说,就连上帝都想打开他的脑子看看里面究竟装着什么。 ARTHUR: How do you mean?? 什么意思? DOUGLAS: Never mind. Ah, whats this. (Martin approaches) Who is this commanding presence hoving into view? Can it be Sir? It can.? 没事。前面那是谁?如果是咱们的长官【怎么解释都觉得怪怪的】 MARTIN: Morning..(not cheerfully)? 早上好!(无精打采) DOUGLAS: Greetings, oh, Sir.? 向您问好,长官。 MARTIN: Dont call me Sir, Douglas. 别再叫我长官了,Douglas。 ?DOUGLAS: Sirs mind is fickle and changeable


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