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___to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed It’s no use crying over spilt milk. (覆水难收) It’s no good smoking in public. It is simply a waste of time seeing that movie. I dont think it is any use discussing this matter any further。 It is of little use staying up too late every day. Sorry, but I dont fancy going out tonight. She can never resist buying new shoes. I would appreciate___ back this afternoon. A.you to call B.you call C.your calling D.youre calling B.介宾(except/but除外) B .接动名词做宾语的短语 (短语+v-ing) can’t help忍不住, can’t stand不能忍受 give up放弃, as well as以及, prefer doing to doing ,in addition to除…之外, take to doing开始喜欢做… Why dont you give up_______? He has always insisted on his ____Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner 。 A、been called B、called C、having called D、being called she looks forward every spring to ___ the flower-lined garden. A visit B paying a visit C walk D walking in Mr.Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ___ some schools for poor children. A. set up B. setting up C. have set up D. having set up -------How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? -------The key _____ the problem is to meet the demand _____ by the customers. A. to solving;making B. to solving;made???? C. to solve;making???? D. to solve;made?? Accustomed to ___ the steep mountains,he had no difficulty reaching the top. A. climbing B. climb C. having climbed D. have climbed 动名词与不定式用法区别 1.做主语 动名词:泛指、经常性、不具体、抽象的动作、已有的经验 不定式:特指、一次性的、具体的、尚未发生的动作 2。做宾语 A. like, love, hate, prefer, continue, begin, start begain/start在下列情况下常用不定式 1.主语是物而非人 It began to rain. 2.当本身为进行时态 It is beginning to snow. 3.后面的宾语是表示心里活动的动词时 understand, realize, see, wonder He begin to understand. He came to realize his mistake. D. In some parts of London, missing a bus means ___ for


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