Hiring, Firing, and Discrimination招聘,射击,和歧视.ppt

Hiring, Firing, and Discrimination招聘,射击,和歧视.ppt

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Hiring, Firing, and Discrimination招聘,射击,和歧视.ppt

Ethical Theory and Business Chapter Six Hiring, Firing, and Discriminating Ethical Theory and Business, 6th Edition Tom L. Beauchamp Norman E. Bowie Objectives After studying this chapter the student should be able to: Analyze the consequences of affirmative action. Contrast strong affirmative action with weak affirmative action. Describe the broad affirmative action categories of outreach efforts and preferential treatment programs. Distinguish between a goal and a quota. Define comparable worth. Objectives Contrast the labor theory of value with the marginal utility theory. Define quid-pro-quo harassment. Define hostile environment harassment. Characterize what actions constitute sexual harassment. Define sexual favoritism. Explain the significance of the Mentor Savings Bank v. Vinson case. Overview Affirmative Action Pay Equity Comparable Worth Sexual Harassment Thomas Nagel “A Defense of Affirmative Action” Professor of Philosophy and Law, NYU School of Law Affirmative action - Positive steps taken to hire persons from groups previously and presently discriminated against. Reverse discrimination - A form of discrimination against male non-minority members due to the effects of affirmative action and racial quotas. Thomas Nagel Strong affirmative action – Refers to some degree of definite preference for members of protected groups in determining access to positions from which they were formerly excluded. Weak affirmative action – Refers to special efforts to ensure equal opportunity for members of groups that had been subject to discrimination. Thomas Nagel Objections to strong affirmative action: Inefficient Unfair to people in non-protected groups Damages the self-esteem of the employee Justification for affirmative action N. Scott Arnold “Affirmative Action and the Demands of Justice” Professor of Philosophy, University of Alabama Birmingham Two broad affirmative action programs: Outreach efforts – Efforts designed to broaden the search for the best talent



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