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graceful adj. attractive; full of grace and beauty; graceful adj. attractive; full of grace and beauty; graceful adj. attractive; full of grace and beauty; graceful adj. attractive; full of grace and beauty;preceding a. coming or going earlier in time, order, etc.;Compare:; decay n. the action or state of gradually going bad; 这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂。 ; decay vi. ② lose power, influence, etc.; switch n. ① a small button or sth. similar that you press up or down in order to turn on or off electricity(电路)开关 ; switch n. ② a sudden change ; switch v. change or be changed from one thing to another;loose a. not firmly or tightly fixed The older you become, the looser your skin will be. 年纪越大,皮肤就会越松弛。 Wear loose clothes as theyre more comfortable. 穿宽松的衣服,这样会更舒服。 loosely ad. loosen v.; secure vt. make safe; protect; fasten ; secure vt. make safe; protect; fasten ; secure adj. safe; firm/tight; having no doubt/anxiety;slide v. (slid-slid) 1) move smoothly over a surface e.g. sliding door 推拉门,滑门 Children like sliding on the ice. 孩子们喜欢滑冰。 2) move quietly Tom slid out of the house without being noticed. 没人注意时,汤姆偷偷地溜出了屋子。; slide n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片;; slide n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片;; slide n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片;;playground slide; slide n. 滑行;滑梯;幻灯片;;thirst n. the feeling of wanting to drink They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst. 他们在沙漠中迷了路,渴死了。 These children have a thirst for education. 这些孩子们渴望获得教育。 vi. thirst for… The young men thirst for adventure.;hint n. 1) a sign that something exists There is a hint of impatience in his voice. 他的声音里多少有一丝不耐烦。 2)sth. that suggests sth. Give me a hint and I can solve the riddle. 给我一点提示我就可以猜出这个谜语。;ounce n. 1) a small amount of sth. She hasn’t an ounce of common sense. 她一点常识也没有。 There is an ounce of truth in what he said. 他说的话有点儿道理。 2) a uni


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