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摘要 Y38滚齿机是齿轮加工机床中应用广泛的一种机床,在上可切削直齿、斜齿圆柱齿轮,还可加工蜗轮、链轮等被广泛地应用于机械设备的传动系统中滚齿是应用最广的切齿方法,滚齿加工是在滚齿机上进行的 本次方案设计中最核心和最创新的是应用了功能分析法,其实质是用科学来解决问题的方法,通过黑箱法,找到输入输出间的关系,分析确定要设计的功能,来达成我们要实现的目的。我主要设计的部分是:分齿挂轮系统和机床工作台的,分齿挂轮主要是通过不同的挂轮来实现两末端件的复杂的关系。工作台为箱型结构,装在床身的矩形轨道上,工作台壳体以其环形表面支撑工作台圆盘,并以其锥孔来定工作台中心,分度蜗轮与工作台壳体连在一起,分度蜗杆与工作台座连接在一起,壳体内油室是供给装置润滑油的。具体外形尺寸,见工作装配 (图Y38-4-6)。 关键词:滚齿机;Y38;分齿挂轮 Abstract Y38 is a gear hobbing machine tools in a wide range of machine tools, which can cut straight-tooth gear, helical gears, and worm gear as well as sprocket can also be processed, The table of Y38 is composed of its shell of the table, worm, and reservoir tray. According to the principles of tooth surface forming process, processing can be divided into major categories and exhibition into law. As long as the modulus and the pressure angle of the same, the advantage of choosing Y38 hobbing method to process gear is processing any number of teeth of the gear, as well as higher productivity and machining accuracy. Therefore, processing gear is most widely used in gear processing method. Industrial production gear is an important foundation for Parts,and its processing technology and capacity reflect the level of a country's industry. As the basis for machinery and equipment manufacturing, the metal cutting machine tools occupies an important position in the national economy, however, as the most common mechanical transmission and important mechanical parts, gear is most widely used in cutting method of hobbing process. Hobbing process are often carried out in the fobbing machine, therefore, gear hobbing machine plays an important role in possession of metal-cutting machine tools. The design of the core and the most innovative feature is the application of the analysis, which is the essence of scientific method to solve the problem, using the black box to find the relationship between input and output, analyzing and deciding the content of design, and achieving what we aim to. The part of the main des


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