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毕 业 论 文 题目: 语言信号的采集与分析 学 生: 学 号: 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师: 201 年 月 日 语音信号的采集与分析 摘 要 语音信号处理是研究用数字信号处理技术对语音信号进行处理的一门学科。语音信号处理的目的是得到某些参数以便高效传输或存储,或者是用于某种应用,如人工合成出语音、辨识出讲话者、识别出讲话内容、进行语音增强等[1]。本文简要介绍了语音信号采集与分析的发展史以及语音信号的特征、采集与分析方法,并通过PC机录制一段声音,采集语音信号后,在MATLAB软件平台上进行频谱分析,并对所采集的语音信号加入干扰噪声,对加入噪声的信号进行频谱分析,设计合适的滤波器滤除噪声,恢复原信号。利用MATLAB来读入(采集)语音信号,将它赋值给某一向量。再将该向量看作一个普通的信号,对其进行FFT变换实现频谱分析,再依据实际情况对它进行滤波。然后我们还可以通过sound命令来对语音信号进行回放,以便在听觉上来感受声音的变化。 关键词:语音信号,信号处理,采集分析,MATLAB Audio?Signal?Acquisition?And?Analysisbased ABSTRACT Voice signal processing is a subject?that we?use digits signal processing to deal with?audio signal.??The purpose of the signal processing?is to get some certain parameters which?is to transport or stored efficiently, or is used in some applications, such as?synthesis?the voice?artificially, recognize the speaker, identify?the speech content, process speech enhancement?and so on.?This paper introduces the voice signal acquisition and analysis of the history of the development, as well as the characteristics of speech signal,collection and analysis methods,Recording a voice through the PC and after the speech signal acquisition, We process the spectrum analysis in MATLAB software platform and add noise interference to the speech signal , and then process signal spectrum analysis to the speech signal adding noise , design appropriate filters filter out noise to restore the original signal. Using MATLAB to read (acquisition) speech signal , It is assigned to a vector, Then see the vector as a common signal, and transform their FFT to carry out spectrum analysis, and then it is filtered based on the actual situation. We?can also play back on the speech signal though sound command to feel up the change of the voice. Key words:audio signal,acquisition and analysis,signal processing?MATLAB 目 录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪论 1 1.1 选题背景及意义 1 1.2 语音信号在国内外研究现状 1 1.3 本文主要工作 2 2 系统设计的可行性研究 3 2.1 语音信号处理的概念 3 2.2 语音信


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