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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 25 简 介 沙丽金博士, 中国政法大学教授,在中国政法大学开设法律英语课和翻译课。2001年至2007年为美国杜肯大学和加拿大蒙特利尔大学中国法律暑期班讲授中国法律课。2005年至2009年在清华大学与美国天普大学合作的LLM项目任法律英语兼职教授。2008年赴冰岛讲学,讲授中国法律课。曾于1997年主编《法律英语教程》,由中国政法大学出版社出版,又于2007年和2008年分别由中国政法大学出版社和中国民主法制出版社出版了供本科生和研究生使用的《法律英语》教材。在教学之余,长期从事法律翻译工作,出版的译著有《刑法的分配原则》、《美国刑事诉讼法》等。沙丽金教授现任中国法律语言研究会副会长、北京市应用法学研究中心研究员。 American Legal System 沙丽金 中国政法大学外国语学院 Legal systems of the world Civil law system Common law system … Hierarchy of laws in the U.S. Constitutional History & Governmental Structure Declaration of Independence Articles of confederation Constitutional convention Bill of rights Basic Principles of the U.S. Constitution Federalism Separation of powers Checks and balances Governmental structure under the U.S. Constitution Legislative power Executive power Judicial power Judicial System Trial courts and appellate courts States and federal courts Types of Judicial Opinions Structure of Judicial Opinion Legal Reasoning Process Deductive reasoning process Analogical reasoning process Criminal Procedure 2011 LEC Training Course Part I. Incorporation of Bill of Rights into Due Process A constitutional doctrine whereby selected provisions of the  HYPERLINK "/Bill+of+Rights" Bill of Rights are made applicable to the states through the due process clause of the  HYPERLINK "/Fourteenth+Amendment" Fourteenth Amendment. The doctrine of selective incorporation, or simply the incorporation doctrine, makes the first ten amendments to the Constitution—known as the Bill of Rights—binding on the states. Through incorporation, state governments largely are held to the same standards as the federal government with regard to many constitutional rights, including the  HYPERLINK "/First+Amendment" First Amendment freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly, and the separation of church and state; the  HYPERLINK "/Fourth+Amendment" Fourth Amendment freedoms from unwarranted arrest and unreasonable searches and seizures;


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