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[摘要]:本毕业设计是在湖北省公路设计。通过分析和讨论研究,掌握结构配置相关的问题设计,功能和质量要求。第一部分包括道路平整,垂直的正确路线,横向设计计算和路基,道路设计,等等,正确的映射方案设计。第二部分包括施工图设计文件的编制,技术设计,施工设计进度,劳动力调配,材料和机械表和条形图和网络图施工图。第三部分是设计概算,计算工程总造价。 [Abstract]:窗体顶端 The graduation project is to design a highway in Hubei Province. Through research and analysis and discussion, master the design issues related to structural configuration, functionality and quality requirements. The first part includes the right route for road flat, vertical, horizontal design calculations and roadbed, road design, and so on, correct mapping project design. The second part comprises the preparation of construction design documents, technical design, construction design schedule, the deployment of labor, materials and machine construction drawing table and bar chart and network diagrams. The third part is the design budget estimate, calculated the total project cost. 窗体底端 [Keywords]: highway, subgrade, pavement, drainage, working organization, Estimating (Budget) 目 录 1 公路路线设计——————————————————1 2 公路路基设计——————————————————18 3 公路路面结构设计————————————————36 4 施工组织设计——————————————————51 5 工程造价计算——————————————————70 参考文献————————————————————-76 附录——————————————————————— 1 引言 设计应包括:路线设计,设计,道路设计道路横断面和路基,路面排水桥涵设计,道路工程计算等。这就要求我们熟悉的设计和工程实践中常用的选择最佳方案的设计和合理的手工方法相关的设计规范。 In this graduation project, I focused on the vertical and horizontal flat road was designed to occupy less farmland, program selection, reduce the cost budget. At the level of all aspects of the design arrangement, analysis and calculation, construction drawings, verbal fluency has improved, but in the road drainage design and pavement design some lack of time constraints and because of graduation, a larger workload, combined with design limited experience, there are many inadequacies in the hope that in the future can continue to work to improve learning at their own inadequacies and professional standards. 在本次毕业设计中,我主要集中在水平和垂直平面道路设计少占农田,方案选择,降低成本预算。在设计安排各方面的水平,施工图纸的分析和计算,,言语流畅性有所提高,但在道路排水设计、路



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