Boundary Layer and Viscous Flows - Southern Methodist University边界层与粘性流动-南卫理公会大学.pptVIP

Boundary Layer and Viscous Flows - Southern Methodist University边界层与粘性流动-南卫理公会大学.ppt

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Boundary Layer and Viscous Flows - Southern Methodist University边界层与粘性流动-南卫理公会大学

CFD Modeling of Turbulent Flows Overview Properties of turbulence Predicting turbulent flows DNS LES RANS Models Summary Properties of Turbulence Most flows encountered in industrial processes are turbulent. Turbulent flows exhibit three-dimensional, unsteady, aperiodic motion. Turbulence increases mixing of momentum, heat and species. Turbulence mixing acts to dissipate momentum and the kinetic energy in the flow by viscosity acting to reduce velocity gradients. Turbulent flows contain coherent structures that are deterministic events. Role of Numerical Turbulence Modeling An understanding of turbulence and the ability to predict turbulence for any given application is invaluable for the engineer. Examples: Increased turbulence is needed in chemical mixing or heat transfer when fluids with dissimilar properties are brought together. turbulence increases drag due to increased frictional forces. Historically, experimental measurement of the system was the only option available. This makes design optimization incredibly tedious. Characteristics of the Engineering Turbulence Model Numerical modeling of turbulence can serve to improve the engineers ability to analyze turbulent flow in design particularly when precise measurements cannot be obtained and when extensive experimentation is costly and time-consuming. The ideal turbulence model should introduce minimal complexity while capturing the essence of the relevant physics. Modeling Turbulent Flows Turbulent flows can be modeled in a variety of ways. With increasing levels of complexity they are: Correlations Moody chart, Nusselt number correlations Integral equations Derive ODE’s from the equations of motion Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes or RANS equations Average the equations of motion over time Requires closure Large Eddy Simulation or LES Solve Navier-Stokes equations for large scale motions of the flow. Model only the small scale motions DNS Navier-Stokes equations solved for all motions in the turbulent f


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