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修建施工和布局实习报告 前两天,咱们土木工程专业学生的榜首次实习开端了,实习分两部分:观赏施工、建工试验室现场与观看录像和以根据修建标准及描绘原理完结中小学教学楼的平面、立面、剖面描绘。经过观赏学习使咱们对修建施工和布局试验有了开端的晓得,这对咱们将来的学习和理论起了提示了导游的效果。如今我就对观赏施工现场与建工试验室这部分内容作一个总结。 Two days ago, we students of Civil Engineering Specialty in first practice began, practice is divided into two parts: Construction of building engineering laboratory, visit site and watch the video and according to the construction standard and the design principle of complete elementary and middle school building plane, elevation, section design. Through study tours led us to the construction and experiment of a preliminary understanding, this to our future study and practice plays a guide role tips. Now I have to visit the construction site and the construction of laboratory this part makes a summary. 上午:观赏校园科技楼施工现场 Morning: visit the school science and technology building construction site 星期一上午咱们观赏了校园在建的十四层科技楼。当咱们抵达集合地点时,我看到同学们头上都戴着工程帽;一同工地的生活区与施工区的门上也写着:不戴安全帽者不得进如施工现场;当然在科技楼布局主体外面的防护网上也写着标语:安全职责,重于泰山;由此可见在修建施工傍边首要要注重的难题就是安全难题。曩昔由于出产公司不注重民工安全造成了许多工伤和死亡事端,这些事端给工人和公司带来了很大的危害!一同,为了保证施工能顺利进行和施工的安全,工地是要用砖墙围护起来的,只要修建施工的各种车辆和内部人员才能够收支,咱们实习也要经过他们的赞同呢! Monday morning we visited the school was built in the fourteen layer of the science and technology building. When we arrived at the venue, I saw the students head wears project cap; at the same time, site of the living area and the construction area of the door also wrote: do not wear the safety helmet may not enter the construction site; of course in the science and technology building structural body outside the protection of Online with the slogan: safety responsibility, be weightier than Mount Tai; thus in building construction must pay attention to the problem is the security issues. Because the past production enterprises do not attach importance to the laborer Safety caused many injuries and deaths, these accidents to the worker and enterprise has brought great damage! At the same time, in order to ensure that the construction can procee


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