BrickOS Task and Memmory Monitorbrickos任务与记忆监控.pptVIP

BrickOS Task and Memmory Monitorbrickos任务与记忆监控.ppt

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BrickOS Task and Memmory Monitorbrickos任务与记忆监控

BrickOS Task and Memory Monitor Charles Mancinelli CMPS 490 Advisor: Dr. Bi Review Constructing a monitor for the BrickOS. Java web applet using Swing components to build a GUI. Applet will monitor task/threads and the allocation in memory of those tasks. Information is sent from the RCX and received by PC by a USB infrared tower. LegOS Networking Protocol (LNP) to send addressing packets of data from the RCX. LNP is supported is implemented in Java by josx.rcxcomm package and also interfaces with USB. Overview of Presentation Representation Protocol Structure of Data Packets Data Structure Interface Design Architecture Design GUI Example Modifying the BrickOS Representation Integers only will be sent and received as packets. Java and C/C++ represent integers in four bytes. BrickOS integers are two bytes. (2^8)(2^8) = 65536 words. Range of -32768 to 32767 signed. Shorten the representation to include a range of only positive integers. Range of 0 to 65535 unsigned which is the range of the memory layout of the RCX. Josx.rcxcomm Protocol Currently only supports sending a two byte buffer for addressing and integrity layers. Initial plan was to send an entire packet of integers associated with each process. Maximum size any packet can be is 255 bytes on both RCX and PC, I’ve heard on 64 bytes can be sent reliably. Additional plan to modify the protocol to send packets of up to 255 bytes if there is time. Inherits the Java’s input and output streams. Sending and Receiving Packets. RCX?PC RCX – C program An array is initialized with two elements of type unsigned char. Each of which represent one byte. The unsigned integer is divide by 256 and placed in the 0 element of the array giving the higher order byte. It is then divided mod by 256 and placed in the 1st element of the array giving the lower order byte. A system call is made to lnp_addressing_write. Java – PC side A new instance of RCXLNPAddressingPort is initialized along with input stream a


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