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便秘Constipation Causes:因素 Disease – tumors, hypothyroidism, diabetic neuropathy Drug – narcotic analgesics, aluminium-containing antacids, amitriptyline Psychogenic – depression, eating disorders (anorexia), conscious efforts to withhold stool Lifestyle – low-fibre diet, inadequate intake of fluids, avoiding the urge to empty the bowel Type of laxatives Bulk-forming laxatives e.g Fybogel, fibrosine Emollient laxatives e.g Docusate sodium Lubricant laxatives e.g Mineral oil Saline laxatives e.g Fleet enema Hyper-osmotic laxatives e.g. Lactulose, Glycerin Stimulant laxatives e.g Senna, Bisacodyl Bulk-forming laxatives 纤维 Considered safest among all laxatives Safe for long term use Works in 1 – 3 days Sufficient fluid consumption is required (usually a glass)喝足够水 Side effects : bloatedness, abdominal discomfort 根据三原色原理叠加后的单色形成了第三种颜色并脱离了原本的单色颜色更加丰富象征着产品在原有空间的组合中产生了突破性的变化 根据三原色原理叠加后的单色形成了第三种颜色并脱离了原本的单色颜色更加丰富象征着产品在原有空间的组合中产生了突破性的变化 消化系统药物 Digestive System Agents Common gastrointestinal symptoms Dyspepsia胃炎 Peptic ulcer disease胃溃疡 Diarrhea泄泻 Constipation便秘 抗消化性溃疡药 消化性溃疡主要十二指肠溃疡、胃溃疡,其发病系保护与攻击因子失平衡有关。 保护因素 攻击因子 抗消化性溃疡药 消化性溃疡主要指发生在胃和十二指肠的慢性溃疡,具有自然缓解和反复发作的特点。 临床主要症状:反酸、嗳气、周期性上腹部疼痛。 发病机制:损伤胃肠粘膜的攻击因子增强或防御因子减弱所致。 Types of Ulcers Type Duodenal Ulcer十二指肠 Gastric Ulcer胃 Location First part of small intestine Stomach Pain Upper abdomen, slightly to R of midline Often possible to point to site of pain Dull more likely to occur when stomach is empty Relieved by food antacids Same area but less well localized Often aggravated by food, may be associated with N V Appetite reduction Persistent severe symptoms Precipitated by smoking and NSAIDs吸烟,止痛药 胃壁细胞受体 胆碱受体(M) 胃泌素受体 组胺受体(H2) 激活受体,开放钙通道, 最后激活H+,K+--ATP酶, 分泌H+到胃内 胃酸分泌↑ 前列腺素受体 前列腺素E,保护胃粘膜. 根据胃酸分泌机制: H2-受体拮抗剂H2 blockers 质子泵抑制剂proton pump inhibitors 中和过量胃酸的抗酸药antacids 理想抗酸药应该是作用强、迅速、持久、不吸收、不产气、不引起腹泻或便秘,对粘膜及溃疡面有保护收敛作用。 本类药物作用基本相同,主要区别在于吸收程度、作用快慢、持续时间和不良反应。 抗酸药 抗酸药 弱碱性


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