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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV四川理工学院毕业设计(论文)汽车换挡杆钻铣专用机床工作台及液压夹具设计 学 生: 学 号: 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级:机电20124 指导教师:四川理工学院机械工程学院二O一六年六月PAGE \* MERGEFORMATI摘 要本文设计的钻铣专用机床工作台及液压夹具是针对换挡杆钻、铣工序的特点,提出将钻、铣加工进行工序集中,完成定位装夹,从而提高加工效率。设计的工作台及液压夹具包括定位、夹紧、放松等三个动作。液压夹具采用V型块和侧面可调支撑作为定位元件,采用4个液压缸实现8个工件的夹紧,一次装夹便能完成钻削和铣削两道工序。夹具中的对刀装置和钻套用于铣刀对刀和引导钻头,以便完成加工。工作台为直线运动工作台,当工件装夹到位后,先完成钻削加工,然后工作台向左运动,左边的铣刀就能完成铣削加工。液压夹具能装夹工艺相同、尺寸不同的相似零件,完成加工,扩大了机床的加工范围。实践表明:采用该专业机床工作台及液压夹具的机床,能够提高加工效率3倍以上。关键词:汽车换挡杆;专用机床;工作台 ABSTRACTIn this paper, the design of drilling and milling machine working table and hydraulic clamp is for shifting rod drilling, milling process characteristics, put forward the drilling, milling process for centralized, complete the positioning of the clip, thereby improving the processing efficiency. The design of the working table and hydraulic clamp including positioning, clamping, relaxation and other three actions. Hydraulic clamp using V type block and the side of the adjustable support as a positioning element, the 4 hydraulic cylinders to achieve the 8 workpiece clamping, a clamping can complete drilling and milling two processes. The knife device in fixture and drill sleeve milling cutter for tool and guide drill, so as to complete the machining. When the workpiece is clamped in place, the working table is a straight movement working table, the drilling process is finished first, and the working table is left to move, and the left side milling cutter can finish the milling process. The hydraulic clamp can clamp the similar parts with the same size and different size, complete the processing, and expand the processing range of the machine tool. Practice shows that the use of the professional machine tools and hydraulic clamp machine tool, can improve the processing efficiency of more than 3 times.Keywords: Automobile gear shift lever; Special purpose machine tool; workbench 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc452491957" 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc452



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