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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题目汽车排气管环形缝焊接专机的设计 全套CAD图纸加153893706 PAGE \* MERGEFORMATIII 汽车排气管环形缝焊接专机的设计 摘要 随着社会的发展,汽车在各大城市都有大量的市场,故汽车的各个零件的生产务必要更加的现代化,本文主要针对排气管自动生产线末端工序中的焊接问题,由于密封性和焊接的均匀性要求比较高,一般的焊接或手工焊接不能满足排气管的制造要求,故设计一台汽车排气管环形焊缝专机。 该设计主要完成汽车排气管环形缝焊接专机的结构设计及其电气控制系统设计。本文介绍的结构设计主要是环焊机的台架的尺寸、传动机构和排管焊接工装夹具等参数设置以及用途,介绍的电气控制系统包括PLC控制,工作原理和软硬件设计,以保证所有控制及运动部件具有精度高、可靠性好、响应速度快、自动化程度高,操作简单、维修方便等特点。可编程控制器是该专机控制系统的核心,能够对焊接专机的各种外围设备能够实现精确地控制,这些设备包括:焊接电源,气缸,直流电机和电磁阀。 经理论分析,本文的机构设计以及电气控制系统能够精确地到达焊接处实现环缝焊接,满足排气管的制造要求。 关键词:排气管,环缝焊接,传动机构,PLC电气控制 The Design?of?Special Welding Machines Using in the Girth Weld of Exhaust Pipe? Abstract With the developmentof?society, cars have a large number of markets in many big cities, so theproduction of cars’ parts must be moremodern. The paper explained these problems which some factories product the exhaust pipes would make. As for the sealing and weldability of exhaust weld have a rigorous?standard, general welding and hand welding can not meet the requirement, we design a special welding machines using in the girth weld of exhaust pipe. The design is mainly solved special welding machines using in the girth weld of exhaust pipe of structural design and electrical control system design. This paper describes the structural design is mainly welding frame’s size, transmission and exhaust pipe welding fixture, parameter setting and uses the electrical control system introduced includePLC control, the principle and hardware and software design to ensure that all control sections and moving parts with high accuracy, good reliability, fast response, high degree of automation, simple operation, and easy maintenance. The heart of the system is the PLC module, which is capable of welding machine of various peripheral devices can achieve precise control, these devices include: welding power, cylinders, DC and solenoid valve. With theoretical analysis, we got a conclusion that the mechanical design and electrical control systems described herein can precisely


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