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^_^宾语从句专项练习^_^ 姓名______ 得分_______一、单项选择(共40小题;共120分) 1.Ive decided to go to London next weekend. I was wondering ? you could go with me.A. ifB. whenC. thatD. where 2.You dont know ? I want to see you again. Its a year since I last saw you.A. how soonB. how longC. how oftenD. how much 3.Dont wait for people to be friendly, show them ? a friendly person you are.A. whatB. howC. whenD. where 4.Thomas wants to know ? Nina lives.A. whereB. whoC. whatD. if 5.--- Do you know ? the man with sunglasses is?--- Im not sure. Maybe a reporter.A. whoB. whatC. whereD. how 6.--- How long does it take to get to the airport?--- Forty minutes. But its foggy today. Im not sure ? the highway will close soon. Lets set off earlier.A. whetherB. whenC. howD. why 7.--- Can you tell me ? you usually play football?--- Once a week.A. how soonB. how longC. how oftenD. how far 8.I was told to meet Mr. Green at the airport. But I dont know ? he will arrive.A. whereB. whyC. howD. when 9.--- Do you think ? Xiao Ming can pass the high school entrance exam or not?--- Sorry, Ive no idea.A. thatB. whichC. ifD. whether10.I was told to meet Mr. White at the airport. But I dont know ? he will arrive alone or with someone else.A. whenB. ifC. whereD. why11.We are glad to hear that the Greens ? to a new flat next week.A. movedB. movedC. will moveD. have moved12.I asked your mother if she ? that dress.A. boughtB. had boughtC. had buyedD. buy13.They wondered if their teacher ? them another story the next week.A. would tellB. had toldC. will tellD. told14.Mum said that the light ? faster than the sound.A. goesB. is goingC. wentD. would go15.--- How clean the floor is today!--- Oh, yes. Do you know who ? it?A. will sweepB. sweptC. is sweepingD. sweeps16.Jenny told me that she ? an English Speech Contest the next month.A. takes part inB. is taking part inC. took part inD. would take part in17.He told me ?.A. the earth ran around the sunB. the earth runs around the sunC. the sun ran around the earthD. the sun runs


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