教育学 第一章 教育学概论 第二章 教育本质 Pedagogy Chapter one An introduction to pedagogy Chapter two Educational essence.ppt

教育学 第一章 教育学概论 第二章 教育本质 Pedagogy Chapter one An introduction to pedagogy Chapter two Educational essence.ppt

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4. setting up educational theory(建构教育理论 ) 4.1 形成新的教育观点 4.2 形成新的教育思想 4.3 形成新的教育学说 4.4 形成新的教育学派 Courseware in teacher education college Questions 1.What is the research object of educational science? 2.What are the stages and its characters of educational science? 3.What is the differences between common pedagogy and educational science? Courseware in teacher education college Chapter two: Educational essence 第二章 教育本质 Courseware in teacher education college Content Unit one: educational essence(教育的本质) Unit two: educational main features(教育的基本特点) Unit three: educational factors(教育的结构) Questions Courseware in teacher education college Teaching purposes 1. understanding educational essence, main character. 2. understanding the relations between education and self-education. 3. understanding the educational factors and its relations. Courseware in teacher education college Key words Education(教育) Self-education(自我教育) Educator(教育者) The educated(受教育者) Teacher(教师) Student(学生) Teacher-student relationship(师生关系) Educational content(教育内容) Educational method(教育方法) Courseware in teacher education college Unit one: educational essence 第一节教育的本质 Courseware in teacher education college Case one: 教育专业人员与非专业人员的教育行为差异 一个孩子的母亲因孩子把她刚买回来的金表当成新鲜的玩具给弄坏了,就狠狠地揍了孩子一顿,并把这件事告诉了孩子的老师。 老师幽默地说:“恐怕一个中国的爱迪生被你枪毙了。” 这个母亲迷惑不解,老师对她说:“孩子的这种行为是创造力的一种表现,你不该打孩子,要解放孩子,让他从小有动手的机会。” “那我现在该怎么办?”这个母亲听了老师的话后悔不迭。 “补救的办法是有的,你可以和孩子一起把金表送到金表铺,让孩子站在一旁看钟表匠如何修理。这样钟表铺成了课堂,修表匠成了先生,令郎成了学生,修理费成了学费,孩子的好奇心就得到了满足,说不定他还学会了修理呢。” Courseware in teacher education college Part one: what is education? 1. education in daily life(日常生活中“教育”) 1.1 作为一种思想转变过程的“教育”; 1.2 作为一种影响儿童成长方法的“教育”; 1.3 作为一种特殊社会制度的“教育”。 Courseware in teacher education college 2. the derivative meaning(教育的词源义) 2.1.Chinese: education is to make a person virtuous and good(善良), such as the ethic characteristics(伦理) including the grace and nobleness(高尚), selflessness(无私), happiness(幸福,快乐). 教育二字连用成词,最初见于《孟子·尽心上》,“得天下英才而教育之,三乐也”; 《说文解字》,“教,上所施,下所效也”;



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