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38 - PAGE I网上购物网站【摘 要】伴随着Internet的蓬勃发展,网络购物中心作为电子商务的一种形式正以其高效、低成本的优势,逐步成为新兴的经营模式和理念,人们已经不再满足信息的浏览和发布,而是渴望着能够充分享受网络所带来的更多的便利。网络购物正适应了当今社会快节奏地生活,使顾客足不出户便可以方便快捷轻松地选购自己喜欢的商品。BtoC电子商务是以Internet 为主要手段,由商家或企业通过网站向消费者提供商品和服务的一种商务模式。BtoC模拟网站开发是集计算机技术、多媒体技术、数据库技术、网络通讯技术、安全和密码技术、管理技术、软件科学以及社会经济学等多种学科和前沿技术于一体的,其目的是使学生能够通过实验直接感受电子商务知识的商业化应用过程,具体的把握所学的专业知识,最终达到将所学的书本知识实用化、具体化。本课题主要是通过了解电子商务的基本原理,操作流程及网络安全等多方面的知识,针对BtoC电子商务流程的结构和功能设计网站,使其能充分完成BtoC电子商务的流程,对BtoC电子商务的参与者如用户、银行、商店等角色所进行的活动以及各角色在流程中的作用进行真实完整的模拟,并能充分体现出各角色的关系,让人们充分了解电子商务BtoC方面的内容。关键字:网上购物系统; BtoC; PHP; MYSQL 1 -【Abstract】 Along with the vigorous development of the Internet, e-commerce networks as a shopping center is a form of its highly efficient, low-cost advantages, gradually emerging as a business model and philosophy, there is no longer meet use and dissemination of information browsing, but a desire to bring the full enjoyment network more convenient. Internet shopping is being adapted to the fast pace of today's society to live, so that customers can enjoy the convenience of fast and easy way to purchase their own like commodities. E-commerce refers to the online business activities, its important technical features is the use of Web technology for the transmission and processing of business information. BtoC e-commerce is a business model,which on the Internet as the main means, by businessmen or business through a web site to provide consumers with goods and services.BtoC simulation website development is computer technology, multimedia technology, database technology, network communications technology, Password security and technology, management technology, software economics and social science and other disciplines, and in the forefront of technology integration. Its purpose is to enable students to feel directly through experimental e-commerce knowledge of the commercial application process grasp the specific learning expertise, which will eventually learn practical and knowledge of the book.The main


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