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谢谢! Thanks * * * * * 1区销售事业部 RSD1 1区一汽-大众品牌广播栏目建设项目 FAW-VW Brand Radio Column Construction Project in RSD1 长春吉广传媒集团有限公司 Changchun GIGO Media Group Co., Ltd. 更新日期: Date: July 30, 2013 1 2 3 项目背景 项目目的 4 目 录 5 项目概况 项目流程 6 项目内容 7 人员分工 项目进度 1 2 3 Project Background Project Objective 4 Contents 5 Project Overview Project Rundown 6 Project Content 7 Division of Duty Project Scheduling 项目背景 1区作为一汽-大众的“主战场”,在市场声音中更应维护和巩固影响力,以宣传声势带动口碑优势。 Project background Being the “core force” of FAW-VW, RSD1 should maintain and consolidate its influence according to the market response, to promote the advantage of public praise by publicity momentum. 项目背景 广播媒体优势明显,传播覆盖面广。 31.99% 24.00% 17.02% 20.99% 6.00% 2013年2月汽车之家网站调研,调查人数:7348人次 广播媒体伴随汽车产业的发展出现复兴,在汽车类传播媒体中,优势明显,各大电台汽车类广播栏目听众认可度、关注度较高。 2013年2月汽车之家网站调研,调查人数:7348人次 受众对汽车类栏目认可度与关注度高,收听率呈逐年上升趋势。 Project background Obvious advantage of radio, with wide coverage. 31.99% 24.00% 17.02% 20.99% 6.00% Investigated by in Feb. 2013, sample size: 7348 people Radio revives along with the development of auto industry, takes obvious advantage in the automotive communication media, and receives superior recognition and attention from the audiences of automotive radio programs of various major radio stations. Placement of auto ads has an obvious increase in radio programs . 项目目的 品牌价值传递 用户购买引导 产品信息传递 终端集客销售 终端促销信息 市场活动传播 稳固媒体传播阵地 打造知名广播栏目,建立稳固媒体传播阵地,传播汽车知识和文化,宣传一汽-大众产品卖点。 Project objective Brand value delivery User purchase guidance Product information dissemination Terminal traffic sales Terminal promotion information Market activities publicity Media dissemination platform consolidation Build well-known radio program, establish solid platform of media dissemination, disseminate auto knowledge and culture, advertise selling points of FAW-Volkswagen products. 项目目标 传播效果 -5000万人次 有效收听人群 -覆盖吉林、黑龙江两省 -每周超百人次 参与话题互动 Project objective Communicating effect -Effective audience: 50 million people -Covering Jilin province and Heil


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