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摘 要 本次设计的课题是共建加持机械手的结构设计,本论文确定了机械手的座标型式和自由度,以及机械手的技术参数. 机械手能代替人工操作,起到减轻工人劳动强度,节约加工时间,提高生产效率,降低生产成本的特点。在实用基础上,对机械手直臂与夹持部件进行三维设计,其中分为三个部分:手爪、手腕、手臂。整体机械手为圆柱坐标型,驱动方式为电机驱动,结构简单可靠,精度高。设计了两支点回转-平移型夹持手爪,传动结构为滑动丝杆;手腕为回转型,转动角度为0°-360°,传动结构为同步带传动;设计了机械手的手臂结构,计算出了手臂升降时所需的驱动力矩;对工作机构和传动系统进行设计计算,包括主要部件的设计计算、强度校核和运动分析;利用三维solidworks软件对主要零件进行实体设计和造型,并绘制了机械手的装配图和主要零件图。 关键词:直臂与夹持部件 机械手 CAD二维设计 solid works三维设计 Abstract This topic is designed to build a blessing robot design, this paper identifies the type robot coordinates and freedom, and the technical parameters of the robot. Robot can replace manual operations, reduce labor intensity of play, save processing time, increase productivity, reduce production cost. In practical basis, the robot arm and the clamping member for three-dimensional design, which is divided into three parts: the gripper, wrist, arm. Overall cylindrical coordinates robot type, drive motor driven, simple and reliable structure, high precision. Designed a two-point swing - translation type clamping gripper, transmission structure for a sliding screw; wrist for transition back to the rotation angle of 0 ° -360 °, transmission structure for belt drive; designed robot arm structure, calculated the driving torque required when lifting the arm; the work organization and transmission design calculations, including the calculation of the main components of the design, strength check and motion analysis; solidworks software using three-dimensional solid parts of the main design and modeling, and draw manipulator assembly drawings and the main parts diagram. Key word: Straight arm and clamping parts Manipulator CAD 2d design solid works 3d dsign 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1前言和意义 1 1.2 工业机械手概述 1 1.3 国内外研究现状和趋势 3 第二章 工业机械手的结构分析 4 2.1执行机构分析 4 2.2 驱动机构分析 4 2.3传动结构分析 5 2.4 机械手的基本形式分析 6 2.5 本次材料搬运机械手的设计方案 6 第三章 机械手运动学分析 8 3.1 D-H方法简介及坐标变换 8 3.2 机械手的D-H方法求解 10 第四章 机械手参数设计及应力分析 14 4.1 机械手手爪的设计计算 14 4.1.1机械手爪橡胶块设计 14 4.1.2 机械手爪各杆件尺寸设计 15 4.1.3 机械手爪电机驱动力计算 15 4.1.4 滑动丝杠校核 16 4.2 机


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