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2017年下学期六年级上册小学英语核心素养试卷一、书写题 10分请将以下节日按照时间先后顺序书写。Spring Festival Christmas Children’s day The Mid-Autumn Festival Tree Planting Day 试题解析:了解各国不同和共同的节日,培养人文情怀 Tree Planting Day Children’s day The Mid-Autumn Festival Christmas Spring Festival将下列国家按照国土面积由大到小排序书写。The USA Canda China England Austrilia试题解析:本题考查学生的综合素养,认识英语名称的同时了解世界国土面积大小,知道我国是世界国土面积第三大国,增强自豪感。Canda China The USA Austrilia England 单项选择 10分We should ________.A keep the rivers clean. B. waste water C.use bikes instead of cars. The earth is _______than the sun.bigger B. smaller C.longerThere are ______yellow stars on the flag of China.six B.five C.threeAn apple a day keeps the doctor away.中文意思---------一天一个苹果,医生远离我B.医生一天吃一个苹果试题解析:1、B 考查环保意识 2、B 3、B 4、A 西方谚语,明白怎样保持身体健康情境题 20分( )If your friend has a bad cold.What will you not say to him? A.You should have a good rest. B.You should take madicine. C.Drink more water. D.You are not healthy.考查要点:知道感冒了该如何去照顾自己 ( )The Great wall in China is _________than the White House in the USA.youger B.older考查要点:了解国家文化,增强民族自信。 Sunyang Liuxiang LiuXiang is born July 13, 1983.His 2004 Olympic gold medal was the first in a men's HYPERLINK "/wiki/Track_and_field" \o "Track and field" track and field event for China.Sunyang is born on December 1,1991.In 2012, he became the first Chinese man to win an Olympic gold medal in swimming.Sun is the first male swimmer in history to earn Olympic and World Championship gold medals at every freestyle distance from 200 metres to 1500 metres. Sunyang is ______than Liuxiang. A.youger B.olderIn 2012,Sunyang became the first Chinese man to win an Olympic gold medal in _________.swimming B、running试题解析:培养国家意识,增强民族自信,了解奥林匹克4、What can you do for your family at the weekend?例:Lingling:I can cle


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