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新标准小学英语五年级上册Module10UNIT1Youshouldtidyyourtoys说课稿   新标准小学英语五年级上册Module10 UNIT1 You should tidy your toys说课稿   一:Warmmer:   (一)Good morning, boys and girls. Today we’ll learn Module 10 Unit1:You should tidy your toys.Boys and girls, you should put your books on your desk and you should sit well. Then you should listen to me carefully. Right? Now let’s listen to the tape: Don’t jump on the bed.   (教学设计理念:通过课堂开始的两句学生耳熟能详的要求,通过欣赏跟说chant,让学生初步接触should /shouldn’t.为下一步的教学做了一定的预设。)   (二)Boys and girls ,look here. There are some pictures and words or phrases. Look carefully and tell me what we should do and what we shouldn’t do.   内容:jump on the bed play pingpang in the classroom   tidy your toys help the people   walk on the grass be late to school   finish your homework   then we’ll read together .   (教学设计理念:通过形象直观的图片,让学生认识哪些是文明的行为,哪些属于不文明的行为。同时呈现短语,为下一步的练习做了一定得铺垫。此环节达到了预设的目标,学生非常容易的做到了理解与应用。)   二:呈现新知   (一)Boys and girls , today we’ll go to Tom’s house.(出示图片)Look at the pictures.   The first one:where are the CDs? Where are the books ? where are the toys ?(在此环节教授单词shelf-shleves)   The second one: what are they doing?   The third one: Are they happy?   (教学设计理念:学生通过观察课本中的三幅图片,直观形象,能够在最短的时间内回答我出示的问题,学生对此环节乐此不彼,对于五年级的学生而言,回答这几个问题是极其简单的。并且通过这一环节,学生能够非常清楚地认识到哪些使我们应该做的,哪些是我们不应该做的。学生热情高涨,积极发言,充分应用以前所学的单词、短语进行描述,效果突出。)   (二)Let’s listen to the tape . you should underline :should and shouldn’t.   (三)Listen and repeat(two times)   (四)They should make up some simple sentences using should and shouldn’t .   (教学设计理念:此环节充分调动学生,让他们结合实际生活和所学单词,应用should和shouldn’t进行练习。)   (五)show some sentences.Students should tell me the form of the verbs.   (教学设计理念:跟读课文,能够训练学生的语音语调,并且使学生加深对课文的理解。通过结合实际生活进行简单的造句,能够使学生做到学的和习得。学以致用。通过观察老师出示的句子,自己总结归纳动词的特点形式,此环节也在引导学生我们在学习英语的过程中,应该多加注意的细节。)   三:任务设置,练习并应用新知   新标准小学英语五年级上册Module10 UNIT1 You should tidy your toys说课稿   一:Warmmer:   (一)Good morning, boys and girls. Today we’ll learn Module 10 Unit1:You should tidy your toys.Boys and girls, you should put your boo


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