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代理报关委托书委托报关协议关于审理城镇房屋租赁合同纠纷案件司法解释有关劳务派遣制度设计及对劳务派遣行业的影响分析糖皮质激素在呼吸系统疾病中的合理应用严重脓毒症导致急性肺损伤病人自发利尿现象的观察分析 Unit 3 Animals Is this a panda? Is this a cat? Is this a rabbit? not Is this a panda? Is this a cat? Is this a rabbit? Activity 2 No, it isn’t . No, it isn’t . Yes, it is . Is this a panda ? Is this a cat ? Is this a dog ? a/an ____? a/an ____? a/an ____? Activity 3 Is this a lion? No, it isn’t. Is this a tiger? Yes, it is ! Song Activity 1 a rabbit a panda a monkey an elephant a lion a tiger a cat a dog a fish a bird a hat ice cream a girl a boy Listen, point and say. a/ an Look, trace and write. 大I工字写得高,小i就像言字旁; 大H两竖加一横,小h竖旁加一钩; 大G像C加一竖,小g像9不像9; At the zoo…在动物园里… bird 鸟 his 他的 name 名字 His name is boomer. 他的名字叫布马。 Very good!非常好! What’s this? It’s a dog. Is this a dog? Yes,it is. Is this a dog? No,it isn’t. It’s a cat. At the zoo… story at the zoo bird his boomer very good At the zoo… an elephant a panda a monkey What’s this? It’s an elephant. an+ Aa,Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu an apple Is this a panda? Yes,it is. Is this a panda? No,it is not. Yes,it is. No,it is not. =No,it isn’t. Is this a lion? a lion Is this a lion? a tiger 代理报关委托书委托报关协议关于审理城镇房屋租赁合同纠纷案件司法解释有关劳务派遣制度设计及对劳务派遣行业的影响分析糖皮质激素在呼吸系统疾病中的合理应用严重脓毒症导致急性肺损伤病人自发利尿现象的观察分析


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