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摘 要 网络团购是近年来最有潜力的商业模式之一。从诞生至今,这种新的网络销售模式已经创造了巨大的商业价值。团购网站兴起于美国,是一种新兴的电子商务网站。网络团购运用团购的一般原理,在互联网上开展团购信息服务,使得团购网站行业发展迅速。目前,团购网站成为一种主流的网络购物模式,赢得了消费者和商户的青睐,因此研究团购网站具有重要意义。 本文对我国的团购网站的发展和现状做概括性的介绍,对相关理论包括团购网站的内涵、用户黏性和口碑营销做简要分析。本文采用了文献统计和归纳、对比分析法、实证调研法等研究方法。通过对部分典型团购网站目标市场营销策略的研究,进而分析其产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略。在市场营销学的一般理论方法的指导下,得出了一些结论。本文结合电子商务的发展做到信息资料真实,反映了客观规律,在回顾网络团购发展的同时,也对以往的研究做了补充,希望本文能对我国网络团购的发展起到一定的借鉴和推动作用。 关 键 词:网络团购;用户黏性;营销策略;口碑营销;服务策略 The research on developing marketing strategy of Internet Group-Purchasing ABSTRACT Internet Group-buy has become one of the most patentable business paten in current days. Ever since it is born, this kind of electronically commercial business paten creates significant economic value. Internet Group purchasing comes from America. Indeed, it is a new kind of e-commerce. The general theory of Group purchasing is also applicable in Internet Group purchasing which can expand its information service of Group purchasing. So the Internet Group purchasing grows rapidly. Nowadays Group buying who was welcomed both in consumers and corporation has been the most popular purchasing paten. Then it is meaningful to investigate in Internet Group purchasing. This article introduces a simple and main description of the phenomenon and development of the Internet Group purchasing in our country. Also it makes a brief analysis in related theory including the meaning of IGP, User stickiness, word-of-mouth marketing. Many method were used in this article, for example method of comparing, method of investigating, and so on. The article first analyzed the target marketing strategy of some typical websites. Then it analyzed their production strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy. Under the direction of marketing theory and method, some conclusions were made. In order to make a real and rapid research on group buying and reflect the objectively principle, this article compare the development of Internet purchasing and e-commerce.


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